Activity Step Templates dialog box

Use the Activity Step Templates dialog box to create a template containing a group of steps common to multiple activities. You can then assign the template to activities using the Assign Activity Step Templates dialog box.

The upper grid of the dialog box contains the following fields and buttons:

Step Template Name: The name of the step template. Enter a name that describes the steps contained in the template or the activities to which the template will typically apply.

Step Count: The number of steps contained in the template.

Add: Adds a step template.

Delete: Deletes the selected step template.

Shift Up: Moves the selected step template up a row in the list.

Shift Down: Moves the selected step template down a row in the list.

The bottom grid of the dialog box contains the following fields and buttons:

Step Name: The name of the step.

Step Weight: The weight of the step. Weighted steps enable you to track the progress of an activity based on the number of steps completed.

Add: Adds a step after the selected step.

Add from template: Adds steps from user-defined activity step templates.

Delete: Deletes the selected step.

Moves the selected step to an earlier stage in the selected activity.

Moves the selected step to a later stage in the selected activity.

To add these additional columns, right click on the Steps tab and choose Customize Steps Columns.

Add: Adds a step to the template.

Delete: Deletes a step from the template.

Step Description: Displays the name of the selected step and the step's description. You can only view the step description in this field; to add or edit a description, you must use the HTML editor.

Modify: Click to add or edit the description for the selected step in an HTML editor. In the editor, you can format text, insert pictures and tables, copy and paste information from other document files (while retaining formatting), and add hyperlinks.

Copy: Click to copy the selected text. After copying text, you can paste it into the HTML editor or into another application.

Print: Click to print the displayed description.


Related Topics

Activity steps

Activity step templates

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Last Published Thursday, January 12, 2023