Advanced tab - Schedule Options dialog box

Calculate multiple float paths: Mark to calculate multiple critical float paths (sequences of activities) in the project schedule. You can specify the number of critical float paths to identify in the Specify the number of paths to calculate field. If you do not select this option, you cannot edit the remaining fields.

Calculate multiple paths using

Total Float - Choose this option to identify critical paths based on the total float of activity relationships. To calculate the most critical path, the module first determines which relationship has the most critical total float. Using this relationship as the starting point, the module determines which predecessor and successor activities have the most critical relationship total float, among all possible paths, until an activity is reached that does not have any relationships. The path that contains these activities is the most critical path.

Free Float - Choose this option to define critical float paths based on longest path. The most critical path will be identical to the critical path that is derived when you choose to define critical activities as Longest Path in the General tab. In a multicalendar project, the longest path is calculated by identifying the activities that have an early finish equal to the latest calculated early finish for the project and tracing all driving relationships for those activities back to the project start date. After the most critical path is identified, the module will calculate the remaining sub-critical paths.

Display multiple float paths ending with activity: Select the activity, typically a milestone or significant activity with an unchanging start or end date, to represent the end of the float paths.


Specify the number of paths to calculate: Enter the number of critical float paths to calculate. If you enter 5, the module will calculate the five most critical float paths ending with the activity you selected. The module ranks each float path from most critical to least critical and stores the value for each activity in the Float Path field. For example, if you calculate five float paths, the module will store a value of 1 in the Float Path field for each activity in the most critical float path; the module will store a value of 5 for each activity in the least critical float path.


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Last Published Thursday, January 12, 2023