Customize a toolbar icon

You can individually customize icons in the module. To customize an icon:

  1. Choose View, Toolbars, Customize.

    Opening the Customize dialog box switches the toolbars into Edit mode, which enables you to customize icons. You do not need to use the Customize dialog to customize icons; however, you must leave the dialog open to enable you to customize icons.
  2. Right-click on the icon you want to customize to display a menu.
  3. In the menu, do any of the following to customize the selected icon:
    • To edit the icon's name, click in the Name field, highlight the existing name, then type a new name. When you choose to display text for the selected icon on the toolbar, this is the name that is displayed. This name does not replace the icon name that displays in screen tips.
    • To display only the icon on the toolbar, choose Default Style. This option is selected by default.
    • To hide the icon image and display only the icon name on the toolbar, choose Text Only (Always).
    • To display the icon image and icon name on the toolbar, choose Image and Text.
    • To add a separator before the icon in the toolbar, choose Begin a Group.
  4. When you are finished customizing icons, click Close in the Customize dialog box.


From the icon right-click menu, you can also do the following:

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Last Published Thursday, January 12, 2023