Defaults tab - Project Details

Use this tab to specify the selected project's default settings.

Defaults for New Activities

Duration Type: The default duration type for activities in the project. You can select a new duration type. If you change the default duration type, P6 Professional only applies the default duration type to new activities. Changing this setting does not affect existing activities.

Percent Complete Type: The default percent complete type for activities in the project. You can select a new default percent complete type. If you change the default percent complete type, P6 Professional only applies the default percent complete type to new activities. Changing this setting does not affect existing activities.

Activity Type: The default activity type for activities in the project. You can select a new default activity type. If you change the default activity type, P6 Professional applies the default activity type only to new activities. Changing this setting does not affect existing activities. If you add a new project, the default is set to Task Dependent.

Cost Account: The default cost account for resource assignments to activities and project expenses in the project. Click to select a new default cost account.

Calendar: The default calendar for activities in the project. Click to select a new default calendar. If you change the default calendar for new activities, P6 Professional only applies the default calendar to new activities. Changing this setting does not affect existing activities.

Auto-numbering Defaults

Activity ID Prefix: The prefix to use for IDs when manually adding new activities to a project.

Activity ID Suffix: The suffix to use for IDs when manually adding new activities to a project.

Increment: The increment used for IDs when manually adding new activities to a project.

Increment Activity ID Based on Selected Activity: Mark to increment IDs based on the selected activity when manually adding an activity to the project. For example, if the increment is set to 10 and you select activity AB150, if you add a new activity, its ID will be AB160. Or, if you select activity AB155, and add a new activity, the new activity's ID will be AB165.

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Last Published Thursday, January 12, 2023