Edit Report Timescale dialog box

Use the Timescale dialog box to specify the timeperiod for which you want to run the selected report. If the report includes time distributions, you also use the Timescale dialog box to specify the timescale interval and timescale format options used to display that data.

Timescale Start: The report's start date. To select a new date, click  .

To adjust the start date according to a specific time increment, place your cursor at the end of the start date text, and then type + or - followed by the time increment and the appropriate abbreviation. For example, a start date that is 1 month prior to the current date would appear as "CD-1m" where "m" is the abbreviation for month.

Date Interval: If you choose the Duration option to specify a Finish date for the report, this field specifies the time interval used to determine the finish date. For example, if the Duration is 2 and the Date Interval is weeks, the report will include information for a two-week period following the specified start date.

If the report includes time distributed data fields, the Date Interval also determines the time interval used to summarize time-distributed project information.

You can select a new time interval.

Shift Calendar: If you select Shift in the Date Interval field, click the browse button to select the shift calendar to use.

Timescale Finish: The end date for the report. To select a new date, click .

To adjust the finish date according to a specific time increment, place your cursor at the end of the finish date text, and then type + or - followed by the time value and the appropriate abbreviation. For example, a finish date that is 1 month prior to the current date would appear as "CD-1m" where "m" is the abbreviation for month.

Duration: Choose to compile the report for a specific number of time intervals following the report's start date, then in the Duration field, type the number of intervals you want to include in the report.

For example, to generate a report that includes three months of data, beginning with the current date, you would choose Duration, type 3 in the Duration field, and set the Date Interval to Month.

Date Format

Calendar: Choose to display timescaled data according to the standard calendar year, for example Month/Year.

Fiscal: Choose to display timescaled data according to the fiscal year, for example FM1/FY2000, FM2/FY2000.

Week of the Year: Choose to display the date intervals as a number for each week of the year, consecutively, beginning with January.

Ordinal Dates: Choose to display timescaled data according to ordinal intervals, based on a start date you specify, for example Week #-1 (08/May/00), Week #1 (15/May/00). Type a start date in the Ordinal Start field.


Calculate Average: Mark to specify the values you want to use to divide the timescale interval totals.

Divide Interval Totals By: To divide the timescale interval totals by an increment you specify, type it in this field.

Base on Hours Per Timeperiod: To divide the timescale interval totals by automatic increments, based on the date interval selected, mark this checkbox. When you choose this option, the Divide Interval Totals By field displays the division increment based on the division increment specified in User Preferences for the corresponding date interval: 1h for Hour date interval, 2h for Shift date interval, 8h for Day date interval, 40h for week date interval, and so on.

Unit of Measure: Specify the unit of measure for the timescale intervals.

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Last Published Thursday, January 12, 2023