Enter email settings

You can access your email account to send email messages.

  1. Choose Edit, User Preferences.
  2. Click the email tab.
  3. Select the mail protocol for your email system.
  4. In the Profile Name field, type the profile name, login, or username you use to access your email server.

    Click Password, then type the password associated with the selected profile name.

  5. In the Outgoing Mail Server (SMPT) field, type the SMTP server name or address to use to send outgoing email.
  6. In the Security list, select the security protocol required to access the SMTP server.
  7. Type the SMTP Port number for the SMTP server.
  8. Optionally, in the User Name field, type the user name from which to send email.

    If you type a user name, click Password and enter the password associated with the selected user name.

  9. Optionally, in the User Email Address field, type the email address to which you want your return email sent.

    If you do not enter a return email address, all email is returned to the address you used to send the email.

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Last Published Thursday, January 12, 2023