Image tab - Properties dialog box

Use the Image tab to define settings for the selected image cell. This includes selecting the image you want to display, specifying the image cell's length and alignment, and adding HTML links. If the selected image cell is part of a data source, you can also apply one or more filters for the image cell.

General Settings

Image alignment: The selected cell's position relative to the report's left and right margins. A cell's alignment may be:

You can select a new alignment.

Left: The cell's indent from the report's left margin, or the numeric distance between the left margin of the report and the left edge of the cell.

If the cell's alignment is Left, type a new number. If the cell's alignment is Right, Center, or None, the left indent is indented for you.

Width: The numeric width the cell occupies between the report's left and right margins.

If the cell's alignment is Left, Right, or None, type a new number. If the cell's alignment is Center, the cell's width is determined for you.

Select image: Click to add or remove an image from the selected image cell.

HTML links: Click to add HTML link settings, if you want the image to contain a link to a Web site.

Edit filter: If the image cell is part of a data source, click to create or edit filters that determine when the selected image cell is displayed in the compiled report. This feature is helpful when you want to associate a graphic with a specific type of information.

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Last Published Thursday, January 12, 2023