More Detail: Specifying a bar's timescale

Depending on whether an activity, project, or tracking layout is displayed, the options vary for specifying the timeperiod represented by a Gantt Chart bar. Some timeperiods are available for all three layout types. In activity layouts the bars represent dates for an activity; in project layouts, bars represent EPS node or project elements; in tracking layouts, depending on the current view, bars may represent an EPS node, project, or WBS element.

Project and Tracking layout bars

Actual Bar: Represents the Actual Start Date to Actual Finish Date.

Baseline Bar: Represents the baseline's Planned Start Date to the baseline's Planned Finish Date. For closed projects, the dates are derived from the project baseline. For open projects, the dates are derived from the primary baseline.

Current Bar: Represents the Start Date to Finish Date.

Forecast Bar: Represents the Project Planned Start Date to Planned Finish Date.

Performance % Complete Bar: Represents the Performance Percent Complete.

Remain Bar: Represents the Remaining Start Date to Remaining Finish Date.


Activity layout bars

% Complete Bar: Represents the percent complete of the activity.

Actual Bar: Represents the Actual Start Date to Actual Finish Date

Current Bar: Represents the Start Date to Finish Date.

Early Bar: Represents the activity's Early Start Date to Early Finish Date.

Float Bar: Represents the activity's Remaining Finish Date to Late Finish Date where the remaining date is before the late date.

Late Bar: Represents the activity's Late Start Date to Late Finish Date.

Neg Float Bar: Represents the activity's Remaining Finish Date to Late Finish Date where the remaining date is after the late date.

Performance % Complete Bar: Represents the Performance Percent Complete.

Plan Bar: Represents the activity's Planned Start Date to Planned Finish Date.

Primary Baseline Bar: Represents the primary baseline's Project Planned Start Date to the primary baseline's Planned Finish Date.

Project Baseline Bar: Represents the project baseline's Project Planned Start Date to the project baseline's Planned Finish Date.

Remain Bar: Represents the Remaining Start Date to Remaining Finish Date.

Secondary Baseline Bar: Represents the second baseline's Project Planned Start Date to the second baseline's Planned Finish Date.

Tertiary Baseline Bar: Represents the third baseline's Project Planned Start Date to the third baseline's Planned Finish Date.

User Dates: Represents the activity's user start and end dates as defined in the activity columns.


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Last Published Thursday, January 12, 2023