Renumber Activity IDs dialog box

Use the Renumber Activity IDs dialog box to specify how to renumber selected activity IDs in the current project and, if applicable, to renumber the same activity IDs in all applicable baselines for this project. The selected activities can be renumbered based on values you specify.

Increment Activity Based on Selected Activities: Select to increment activity IDs using the increment value you specify. For example, suppose you select activity IDs AB100, AB130, AB150, AB160, and AB180. If you type 100 in the Increment Value text field, the selected activity IDs are renumbered AB200, AB230, AB250, AB260, and AB280.


Auto-Number: Select to renumber activity IDs using the criteria you specify. For example, suppose you select activity IDs AB100, AB130, AB150, AB160, and AB180. If you type AB in the Prefix text field, 100 in the Suffix text field, and 10 in the Increment Value text field, the selected activity IDs are renumbered AB100, AB110, AB120, AB130, and AB140.


Replace Beginning Characters: Select to replace the beginning characters of the selected activity IDs with the characters specified in the Replace With text field. Type the number of beginning characters to be replaced in the Number of Characters text field. For example, suppose you select activity IDs AB100, AB130, AB150, AB160, and AB180. If you type 3 in the Number of Characters text field and CD5 in the Replace with text field, the selected activity IDs are renumbered to CD500, CD530, CD550, CD560, and CD580.


Renumber Selected Activities in Baselines: Mark to renumber the selected activity IDs in all applicable baselines for this project. (P6 Professional does not renumber activities in baselines where duplicate activity IDs would be created.) Be aware that if you clear this checkbox, all renumbered activities are disconnected from the baselines and are treated as new activities.

When this checkbox is marked, P6 Professional searches for baselines where duplicate activity IDs would be created. If it finds none, then the current project and its associated baselines are renumbered, and the baseline renumbering is committed to the database with no chance for you to undo the renumbering. If P6 Professional identifies baselines where duplicate activity IDs would be created, then P6 Professional lists those baselines and presents you with a yes or no choice (in the Baseline Duplicates dialog box) whether to continue renumbering.


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Last Published Thursday, January 12, 2023