Spending Plan tab - Project Details

Use this tab to view or record spending information for the project.

Date: Shows spending information by month for the project. The date range spans three months before a project starts to four years after the project start date.

Spending Plan: Specifies how much will be spent on a per monthly basis.

Spending Plan Tally: When an EPS node is selected, this field contains summarized spending information from the projects below it.

Undistributed Current Variance: Equals the spending plan monthly value minus the spending plan tally monthly value.

Benefit Plan: Shows a profit portion of the monthly amount; benefit values are usually entered at the end of a project.

Benefit Plan Tally: When an EPS node is selected, this field contains summarized benefit plan information from the projects below it.

Benefit Variance: Equals the benefit plan tally monthly value minus the benefit plan monthly value.

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Last Published Thursday, January 12, 2023