Timescale dialog box

Use the Timescale dialog box to specify the timescale you want to display in the current Gantt Chart, profile, or spreadsheet layout.

Timescale Format

Two Lines: Choose to display two time units on the timescale.

Three Lines: Choose to display three time units on the timescale.
Timescale Start: The date from which you want to display project information. Click to select a new date.

Font & Color: The font style, size, and color settings for the timescale and column headings. Click to format the font and background color. Click the Default Font button to change the timescale font and color to its original settings.

Date Format

Show Primary Dates: Choose or mark to select the type, date interval, and shift calendar to display for the timescale.

Type: Select Calendar to display date intervals according to the standard calendar. Select Fiscal to display the date intervals according to the fiscal periods. Select Week of Year to display the date intervals as a number for each week of the year, consecutively, beginning with January.

DateInterval: The current layout's timescale. Select Year/Quarter, Year/Month, Quarter/Month, Year/Financial Period, Quarter/Financial Period, Month/Financial Period, Week/Financial Period, Month/Week, Week/Day1, Week/Day2, Day/Shift, or Day/Hour.

Shift Calendar: If you select Day/Shift as the date interval, click to select the corresponding shift.

Show Ordinal Dates: Choose or mark to set and display the date intervals as sequential numbers, beginning from the ordinal start date specified. Ordinal dates that precede the ordinal start date display a negative number.

Ordinal Start: Specify a start date for the ordinal dates.

Ordinal Date Interval: Specify the interval to display for ordinal dates in the timescale.

Apply: Click to apply your changes without closing this dialog box.


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