Welcome dialog box

Use the Welcome dialog box to open a project or create a new project.

Select Project Portfolio: The currently selected portfolio. Click Select to select a different portfolio. The portfolio you select determines the projects that are available if you choose to open an existing project.

Create New: Starts the Create a New Project wizard for adding a new project. The new project is added to the current portfolio. If you have not been assigned the security privilege required to create projects for at least one OBS element, or if you do not have edit rights for the currently selected portfolio, this option is disabled.

Open Existing: Displays the Open Project dialog box for selecting an existing project to open. The Open Project dialog box only displays projects that are included in the currently selected portfolio in the Select Project Portfolio field.

Open Last: Opens the last project you used. The button is disabled if the current portfolio does not contain any projects that you opened last.

Do not show this window again: Mark if you do not want the Welcome dialog box to appear each time you start up. The last project you used at startup automatically opens. To turn this option back on, choose Edit, User Preferences, then click Application and mark the Show the Welcome Dialog at Startup checkbox.

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Last Published Thursday, January 12, 2023