Documentation Corrections

The following corrections to the Crystal Ball Reference and Examples Guide are as follows:

Project Selection OptQuest Solution Topic (OptQuest Examples and Reference/OptQuest Examples/Budget-constrained Project Selection/Project Selection OptQuest Solution)

Change the text as follows to reflect the objective:

Existing text:

On the Objectives panel, set the objective to Maximize the Final Value of Total profit. Notice that there are no requirements.

Updated text:

On the Objectives panel, set the objective to Maximize the Mean of Total profit. Notice that there are no requirements.

Existing text:

Figure 84 shows the results of an OptQuest optimization. The best solution selects projects 2, 4, and 5.

Updated text:

Figure 84 shows the results of an OptQuest optimization. The best solution selects projects 1, 2, 4, 6, 7 and 8.

Updated Figure 84:

Figure 84 Project Selection Model Optimization Results

Updated Figure 85:

Figure 85 Project Selection Solution Forecast Chart

Last Published Wednesday, October 5, 2022