8.3.10 Unsupervised GraphWiseモデルの予測の説明

Unsupervised GraphWiseモデルの予測に重要な特徴と頂点を理解するために、YingなどによるGNNExplainerと同様の手法を使用してUnsupervisedGnnExplanationを生成できます。


  • グラフ構造: 各頂点の重要度スコア
  • 特徴: 各グラフ・プロパティの重要度スコア




たとえば、k個の密に接続されたコンポーネントを含む(つまり、同じコンポーネントの頂点の間にエッジが多数あり、任意の2つのコンポーネントの間にエッジが少数あります)、単純なグラフcomponentGraphがあるとします。このグラフでUnsupervised GraphWiseモデルをトレーニングすると、密に接続されたコンポーネントの頂点に対して同様の埋込みを生成するモデルになると予想できます。


opg4j> var componentGraph = session.readGraphWithProperties("<path_to_component_graph.json>")
// explain prediction of vertex 0
opg4j> var feat1Property = componentGraph.getVertexProperty("feat1")
opg4j> var feat2Property = componentGraph.getVertexProperty("feat2")

// build and train an Unsupervised GraphWise model 

// explain prediction of vertex 0
// setting the numClusters argument to the expected number of clusters may improve
// explanation results
opg4j> var explanation = model.inferAndGetExplanation(componentGraph, componentGraph.getVertex(0), 10)

// retrieve computation graph with importance
opg4j> var importanceGraph = explanation.getImportanceGraph()

// retrieve importance of vertices
// vertex 1 is in the same densely connected component as vertex 0
// vertex 2 is in a different component
opg4j> var importanceProperty = explanation.getVertexImportanceProperty()
opg4j> var importanceVertex0 = importanceProperty.get(0)  // has importance 1
opg4j> var importanceVertex1 = importanceProperty.get(1)  // high importance
opg4j> var importanceVertex2 = importanceProperty.get(2)  // low importance

opg4j> var featureImportances = explanation.getVertexFeatureImportance()
opg4j> var importanceConstProp = featureImportances.get(constProperty) // small as unimportant
opg4j> var importanceLabelProp = featureImportances.get(labelProperty) // large (1) as important

// optionally retrieve feature importance
opg4j> var featureImportances = explanation.getVertexFeatureImportance()
opg4j> var importanceFeat1Prop = featureImportances.get(feat1Property)
opg4j> var importanceFeat2Prop = featureImportances.get(feat2Property)
PgxGraph componentGraph = session.readGraphWithProperties("<path_to_component_graph.json>") // load component graph
VertexProperty<Integer, Float> feat1Property = componentGraph.getVertexProperty("feat1");
VertexProperty<Integer, Float> feat2Property = componentGraph.getVertexProperty("feat2");

// build and train an Unsupervised GraphWise model

// explain prediction of vertex 0
// setting the numClusters argument to the expected number of clusters may improve
// explanation results
UnsupervisedGnnExplanation<Integer> explanation = model.inferAndGetExplanation(componentGraph, componentGraph.getVertex(0), 10);

// retrieve computation graph with importances
PgxGraph importanceGraph = explanation.getImportanceGraph();

// retrieve importance of vertices
// vertex 1 is in the same densely connected component as vertex 0
// vertex 2 is in a different component
VertexProperty<Integer, Float> importanceProperty = explanation.getVertexImportanceProperty();
float importanceVertex0 = importanceProperty.get(0);  // has importance 1
float importanceVertex1 = importanceProperty.get(1);  // high importance
float importanceVertex2 = importanceProperty.get(2);  // low importance

// retrieve feature importance (not relevant for this example)
Map<VertexProperty<Integer, ?>, Float> featureImportances = explanation.getVertexFeatureImportance();
float importanceFeat1Prop = featureImportances.get(feat1Property);
float importanceFeat2Prop = featureImportances.get(feat2Property);
# load 'component_graph' with vertex features 'feat1' and 'feat2'
feat1_property = component_graph.get_vertex_property("feat1")
feat2_property = component_graph.get_vertex_property("feat2")

# build and train an Unsupervised GraphWise model

# explain prediction of vertex 0
# setting the num_clusters argument to the expected number of clusters may improve 
# explanation results
explanation = model.infer_and_get_explanation(

# retrieve computation graph with importances
importance_graph = explanation.get_importance_graph()

# retrieve importance of vertices
# vertex 1 is in the same densely connected component as vertex 0
# vertex 2 is in a different component
importance_property = explanation.get_vertex_importance_property()
importance_vertex_0 = importance_property[0]  # has importance 1
importance_vertex_1 = importance_property[1]  # high importance
importance_vertex_2 = importance_property[2]  # low importance

# retrieve feature importance (not relevant for this example)
feature_importances = explanation.get_vertex_feature_importance()
importance_feat1_prop = feature_importances[feat1_property]
importance_feat2_prop = feature_importances[feat2_property]