3. Integration Process

This chapter contains the following sections:

3.1 Deposit Creation in Oracle Lending

3.1.1 Mapping of Corporate Deposit Product in Loans

The following are steps need to be done for mapping of corporate deposit product in Loans.

  1. The corporate deposit product defined in the FCUBS ‘Corporate Deposits Product Definition’ screen (CDDPRMNT) is available in OBCL through webservice. The same is available in OBCL external table OLTB_IF_OLPRODUCT_MASTER and OLTB_IF_OLPRODUCT_ICCF.
  2. For deposit contract creation, rates are picked from 'Treasury Floating Rate Maintenance' screen (LFDTRSRM)
  3. The values maintained in 'Treasury Floating Rate Maintenance' screen are mapped to Loan-Commitment - Contract Input screen. The following list provide field-wise mapping.
    • Effective Date (Treasury Floating Rate Maintenance)- Application Date (Loan-Commitment - Contract Input )
    • Start date (Treasury Floating Rate Maintenance) - Value Date (Loan-Commitment - Contract Input )
    • End Date (Treasury Floating Rate Maintenance) - Maturity Date (Loan-Commitment - Contract Input)
    • Rate (Treasury Floating Rate Maintenance) - Refinance Rate (Loan-Commitment - Contract Input > MIS screen)
  1. The corporate deposit creation is based on the product mapped in the following screens.
    • Corporate Deposits Product Definition screen
    • Branch Auto funding screen
    • Auto Fund product screen
    • Bilateral Loans Product Definition screen

This section contains the following topics:

3.1.2 Product Creation

Link from FCUBS Corporate Deposits to Loan Deposits Product

The corporate deposit product defined in the FCUBS, that is ‘Corporate Deposits Product Definition’ (CDDPRMNT) screen is sent to OBCL.


Branch Auto funding screen

You can use this screen for mapping a branch to corporate deposits products.

You can invoke the ‘Branch Auto Funding’ screen by typing ‘OLDBRAFP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.


Auto Fund product screen

You can use this screen, to select the OL product that can use the loan deposit product.

You can invoke the ‘Auto Fund Product’ screen by typing ‘OLDAFMAP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You need to enter the 'Branch', ‘Treasury Type’, 'Treasury Source', 'Product', 'Counterparty' and 'Currency Code'. Based on these loan contract parameters, the following deposit parameters are derived.

Counterparty field allows you to maintain different deposit parameters for a specific counterparty of the loan.

During auto-funding, the system follows the below priority order to derive the deposit parameters. This is done irrespective of the 'Treasury Type'.



Treasury Source




Priority 1






Priority 2






Priority 3








Below is an example of auto-funding mapping maintenance.

Loan Contract Parameter




Treasury Source








Deposit Contract Parameter




Treasury Source








Bilateral Loans- Product Definition/ Loan and Commitment-Contract Input -MIS screen

You need to maintain ‘Ref Rate Code’, ‘Fixed Rate Type’, ‘Fixed Rate Code’ in Bilateral Loans Product Definition- MIS’ screen and the same rate codes are defaulted to Loan and Commitment-Contract Input -MIS screen. Based on these rates, ‘Refinance Rate’ will be fetched from the ‘Treasury Floating Rate Maintenance’ screen.


3.1.3 Processing of Loans Deposit Product

Deposit creation in Loan and Commitment - Contract Input screen

In Loan and Commitment-Contract Input screen (OLDTRONL), under ‘Preferences’ tab ensure to select ‘Funding Method’ as ‘Automatic’. If the disbursement is mode is auto, on contract creation deposit is initiated for the amount disbursed.This triggers deposit creation automatically on contract save.

On save of deposit creation the following takes place in the staging table.

OL Contract Authorization - Auto Disbursement

OL Contract authorization is validated with the deposit contract initiation status. If deposit creation is successful, then OL contract authorization is allowed.

If deposit creation is failed/ unprocessed, then OL contract authorization will not be allowed.

OL Contract Reverse Authorization - Auto Disbursement

OL Contract reverse authorization is validated with the reverse deposit contract initiation status. If the reverse deposit authorization is processed, then OL Contract reverse authorization is allowed. If the reverse deposit authorization is unprocessed or failed, then OL Contract reverse authorization is not allowed.

OL Contract modification- Auto Disbursement


If deposit creation is unprocessed, then OL contract modification will not be allowed

If deposit creation is processed, then OL contract modification will be allowed

If deposit creation is failed, then OL contract modification will be allowed

OL Contract Deletion - Auto Disbursement

If deposit creation is in unprocessed, then OL contract deletion will not be allowed.

If deposit creation is failed,

OL Contract Reversal - Auto Disbursement

On reversal of loan contract, reverse deposit request will be initiated.

Reversal of OL Contract after Authorization - Auto Disbursement

If the reverse deposit is processed, then OL Contract reverse authorization is allowed. If the reverse deposit is unprocessed or failed, then OL Contract reverse authorization is not allowed.

If deposit reverse is failed/ unprocessed, then OL contract reversal authorization will not be allowed.

Once deposit reverse gets processed, contract reversal deletion will not be allowed.


3.1.4 Viewing Failed Transaction Log Details

You can view list of all failed deposit contract transactions with all the request details, status, failure reason if applicable and then initiate for re-processing.

You can invoke the ‘Transaction Log’ screen by typing ‘OLSIFCD’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.



3.2 Deposit Redemption on Loan liquidation

Once the loan linked deposit contract is created from OL, the redemption is done when the linked loan contract is liquidated. The deposit redemption is done through web service.

If ‘Liquidate Deposit’ is selected in the ‘Manual Payment’ (OLDPMNT) screen, the deposit redemption takes place accordingly.

3.2.1 Processing of Deposit Redemption

OL Contract Payment Deletion

If CD redemption is unprocessed/failed, then OL contract payment deletion is not allowed.

If CD redemption is processed,

OL Contract Payment Authorization


OL Payment Reversal

On reversal of OL Payment contract, deposit redemption reversal request will be initiated

OL Contract Payment Reversal Authorization


3.3 Deposit Creation on OL Contract Disbursement

In ‘Contract Disbursement Input’ screen (OLDMNDSB), the disbursements for OL contracts are done. This triggers deposit creation or amendment automatically based on the scenario. On disbursement save, there are two possible cases.

On save of deposit creation the following takes place in the staging table.

The system creates a new CD contract when you disburse the amount for a contract after deleting or reversing the previous disbursement.

You can initiate redemption on reverse of VAMI and you cannot reverse the deposit.





CD Action



You can authorize OL contract once CD is processed




You can delete OL contract once CD processed  or if CD creation fails




You can reverse OL contract

CD reverse



You cannot delete reverse action in OL con­tract for processed/unprocessed record
You can delete reverse action in OL con­tract for failed records





You can authorize VAMI in OL once request is processed in CD




You can delete VAMI in OL once CD pro­cessed or if VAMI fails in CD




You can reverse VAMI




You cannot delete reversed VAMI for pro­cessed/unprocessed record
You can delete reversed VAMI for failed records





You can authorize payment once request is processed in CD




You can delete payment in OL once CD processed or if payment process fails in CD

Reverse Redemption



You can reverse payment

Reverse Redemption



You cannot delete reversed payment record for processed/unprocessed record
You can delete reversed payment record for failed records





You can authorize disbursement record once CD is processed




You can delete Disbursement record  once CD processed or If CD creation fails

Reverse CD contract



You can reverse Disbursement

Reverse CD contract



You cannot delete reversed disbursed record for processed/unprocessed record
You can delete reversed disbursed record failed records


3.4 Deposit Amendment on Loan Amendment

Once a CD linked OL contract is booked and disbursed a deposit is created. On amendment of Maturity date or Principal amount, in the value added amendment screen, the same can be propagated to the deposit. Only these two attributes can be amended for the deposit. The deposit amendment is done through web service.

3.4.1 Processing of Deposit Amendment

OL Contract Amendment Deletion

If CD Amendment is unprocessed/failed, then OL contract Amendment deletion is not allowed.

If CD Amendment is processed,

OL Contract Amendment Authorization


OL Amendment Reversal

On reversal of OL Amendment contract, initiates up to two actions based on the scenario as follows,

OL Contract Amendment Reversal Authorization


OL contract amendment reverse authorization is validated with the deposit amendment reversal status.