1. About this Manual

1.1 Introduction

This manual is designed to help acquaint you with the Loan Syndication modules of Oracle Banking Corporate Lending.

It provides an overview of the modules and guides you, through the various steps involved in granting syndicated loans to the customers of your bank.

In addition to this User Manual, you can find answers to specific features and procedures, in the Online Help. It can be invoked by choosing Help Contents from the Help Menu of the software. You can further obtain information about to a particular field by placing the cursor on the relevant field and pressing the <F1> key on the keyboard.

1.2 Audience

This manual is intended for the following User/User Roles:



Back office data entry clerk

Input functions for contracts

Back office managers/officers

Authorization functions

Product Managers

Product definition and authorization

End of Day operators

Processing during End of Day/ Beginning of Day

Financial Controller / Product Managers

Generation of reports

1.3 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program website at http://www.oracle.com/pls/topic/lookup?ctx=acc&id=docacc.

1.4 Organization

This manual is organized into the following chapters:



Chapter 1

About this Manual: This chapter gives information on the intended audience. It also lists the various chapters covered in this User Manual.

Chapter 2

Loan Syndication -an overview: This chapter gives a snapshot of the fea­tures that the module provides.

Chapter 3

Reference Information for Loan Syndication: This chapter explains the maintenance of reference information for loan syndication processing.

Chapter 4

Defining Products for Loan Syndication: This chapter details the procedure to set up Loan Syndication products as well as Tranche / Draw Down products.

Chapter 5

Loan Syndication Contracts - Part 1: This chapter deals with the proce­dure involved in entering the details of syndication contracts (Facility, Tranche, and Drawdowns)

Chapter 6

Loan Syndication Contracts - Part 2: This chapter deals with the proce­dure involved in entering the details of syndication contracts (Facility, Tranche, and Drawdowns).

Chapter 7

Processing Repayments: This chapter discusses the setting up of repay­ment schedules for the drawdowns that are disbursed.

Chapter 8

Processing Charges and Fees: This chapter takes you through the proce­dures involved in applying fees to a drawdown loan contract as well as the sharing of fee income among participants of a syndication contract.

Chapter 9

Rolling over a drawdown: This chapter explains the process of rolling over a drawdown.

Chapter 10

Processing a Value Dated Amendment: This chapter deals with the value dated amendments for a tranches and drawdowns

Chapter 11

Straight Through Processing (STP): This chapter explains the straight through processing from LB module to OL module of Oracle Banking Cor­porate Lending

Chapter 12

Re-pricing: This chapter explains the re-pricing of fixed rate contracts to floating rate contracts and vice-versa.

Chapter 13

Maintaining Collateral Details: This chapter explains the maintenance of collateral input, tranche account details for a collateral and collateral entity details.

Chapter 14

Appendix A – Events, Advices and Accounting Entries for Loan Syndica­tion Products – This chapter contains a list of suggested accounting entries, events and advices used by the loan syndication modules.

Chapter 15

S.W.I.F.T. Messages for Loan Syndication – This chapter lists the S.W.I.F.T. messages generated by the system during the life cycle of a tranche or drawdown contract under a syndication contract.

Chapter 16

FpML Messaging - This chapter deals with the FpML messages supported by the system.

Chapter 17

Customer Correspondence – This chapter enumerates the different advices that are sent to customers involved in loan syndication contracts.

Chapter 18

Function ID Glossary has alphabetical listing of Function/Screen ID's used in the module with page references for quick navigation.

1.5 Related Documents

This user manual must be used in conjunction with the following user manuals:

1.6 Glossary of Icons

This User Manual may refer to all or some of the following icons:






Add row


Delete row


Option List