17. Customer Correspondence

This chapter contains the following sections:

17.1 Introduction

This chapter explains the various types of advices and notices generated at each stage for the type of contract that the Loans Syndication (LB) module handles.

The following fields are common to all the Advices/Notices sent to the customer:



The following details forms the part of all the drawdown notices generated at your bank:


The default borrower of a facility may be different from the default borrower of its tranche. Likewise, the default borrower of a tranche may be different from the default borrower of its drawdown. Hence, the borrower field in all the advices are populated based on the type of the contract, whether facility, tranche or a drawdown, for which the advice is being sent.

During advice/free format message generation, the system checks whether the value of the UDF ‘AMOUNT FORMATTING REQUIRED’ is maintained as ‘Y’ for a given format.

You need to eliminate the spaces for the following list of free format messages:

You need to eliminate the spaces for the following list of advice formats.

17.2 Drawdown Notices

17.2.1 New Drawdown Notice to the Borrower

You can generate this notice to inform the borrowing customer about the new drawdown that is due to him.

The drawdown notice to the borrower contains the following information:

17.2.2 Renewal Drawdown Notice to the Borrower

17.2.3 Consolidated Renewal Drawdown Notice to the borrower

The main facility borrower contract can have several tranches under it and each tranche can have multiple drawdown contracts linked to it. At the time of rollover, you can choose to consolidate several drawdowns under a tranche into a single consolidated drawdown loan.

The Consolidated Renewal Drawdown Notice is sent to the borrowing customer of the new consolidated drawdown.

The advice includes details of the new consolidated loan as well as details of each of the original loans that were consolidated into the new loan.

New Consolidated Advance


Original Advances


17.2.4 Split Renewal Drawdown Notice to the borrower

Just as you consolidate several drawdowns into one singe loan, you can split one single drawdown into several drawdowns at the time of rollover.

The advice sent to the borrowing customer includes details of the new split loans as well as details of the original loan that was split into the multiple new loans.

Details of Original Advance


Details of New Consolidated Advances



If the message type is ‘Consol’, the Split Drawdown Notice received by each customer includes the details of all the drawdowns. If the message type is ‘Individual’, each borrower receives the details pertaining to his own drawdown.

17.2.5 New Drawdown Notice to the Participant Bank

You can generate this notice to inform the participant bank about the new drawdown that is due to the customer.

All the fields (excluding Standing Instructions) available in the ‘New Drawdown Notice to the Borrower’ are available in this notice. In addition, the following fields are included:

17.2.6 Renewal Drawdown Notice to the Participant Bank

This notice is generated to inform the participant bank when a drawdown loan is due for renewal. It includes all the fields (excluding Standing Instructions field) available in the ‘New Drawdown Notice to the Participant Bank’.

Also, a notice is sent on the renewal day. This gets a precedence over the advice generated on the day the drawdown is due for a renewal.


If you have chosen the SWIFT media for sending the advice, then instead of the above mail format, the corresponding SWIFT message, MT643 is generated.

17.2.7 Consolidated Renewal Drawdown Notice to Participant

You can send a Consolidated Renewal Drawdown Notice to the participant bank also when rolling over several drawdowns into a single drawdown.

All the fields available in the ‘Consolidated Renewal Drawdown Notice’ sent to the borrower are available in this notice as well. In addition, the following new fields are also included:

Details of New Consolidated Advance


Details of Original Advances



If you have chosen the SWIFT media for sending the advice, then instead of the above mail format, the corresponding SWIFT message, MT643 isgenerated.

17.2.8 Split Renewal Drawdown Notice to Participant

Consolidated for All Splits

When you send a Split Renewal Drawdown Notice to the borrowing customer, a similar advice has to be sent to the participant bank also. A consolidated advice consisting of details of all the drawdowns are sent to all the participants.

In addition to all the fields included in the Split Renewal Drawdown Notice that is sent to the borrower, the following fields are also included.

Details of Original Advance


Details of New Advances – Consolidated list



If you have chosen the SWIFT media for sending the advice, then instead of the above mail format, the corresponding SWIFT message, MT643 is generated.

17.2.9 Split Renewal Drawdown Notice to Participant

Only Individual Split Details

As stated earlier, participants can receive a Split Renewal Drawdown Notice consisting of details of all the drawdowns. But you can also send the notice by including only individual split details that is. each participant receives the details pertaining his/her own drawdown.

In addition to all the fields included in the Split Renewal Drawdown Notice that is sent to the borrower, the following fields are also included in this notice.

Details of Original Advance


Details of New Advance – Only Individual Contract Details




17.3 Exchange Rate Fixing Advices

17.3.1 Exchange Rate Fixing Advice to Borrower for New Drawdown

If the drawdown currency is different from the currency of the tranche under which it is initiated or the account to which it is linked, you would use the exchange rates maintained at your bank for the currency conversions.

You can send an ‘Exchange Rate Fixing Advice’ to the borrowing customer when a new drawdown is initiated for the customer.

The following details are included in this advice:


Maturity date is the rate fixing end date.

17.3.2 Exchange Rate Fixing Advice to Borrower for Renewed Drawdown

17.3.3 Consolidated Exchange Rate Fixing Advice to the Borrower

When you consolidate several drawdowns into a single consolidated drawdown, you need to fix the exchange rate if the currency of the consolidated drawdown is different from the currency of the tranche under which it is initiated or the account to which it is linked. You can then send a Consolidated Exchange Rate Fixing Advice to the borrower.

The following details of the new consolidated drawdown and the original drawdowns are included in the advice:

Details of New Consolidated Advance


Details of Original Advances


17.3.4 Split Renewal Exchange Rate Fixing Advice to the Borrower

When you split a single drawdown into a multiple drawdowns, you need to fix the exchange rate if the currency of the new drawdowns is different from the currency of the tranche under which they are initiated or the account to which they are linked. You can then send a Split Renewal Exchange Rate Fixing Advice to the borrower.

The following details of the each of the new drawdowns and the original drawdown that was split are included in the advice:

Details of Original Advance


Details of New Advances


17.3.5 Exchange Rate Fixing Advice to Participant for New Drawdown

When you initiate a new drawdown for the borrowing customer, you can send an Exchange Rate Fixing Advice to the participant bank also. To recall, exchange rate is fixed only if the drawdown currency is different from the currency of the tranche under which is initiated or the account to which it is linked. The exchange is used for currency conversions.

All the fields (excluding Standing Instructions fields) available in the ‘Exchange Rate Fixing Advice’ sent to the borrowing customer is available in this advice also. In addition, the following information is also be included:


If you have chosen the SWIFT media for sending the advice, then instead of the above mail format, the corresponding SWIFT message, MT644 is generated.

17.3.6 Exchange Rate Fixing Advice to Participant for Renewed Drawdown

Just as you send an ‘Exchange Rate Fixing Advice’ to the borrowing customer, you may send a similar advice to the participant bank when the exchange rate is fixed for a renewed drawdown. All the fields (excluding standing instructions fields) explained for the ‘Exchange Rate Fixing Advice’ to Borrower for the new drawdown is available in this advice as well. In addition, the following fields are also included:

Also an advice is generated on the rollover date. This gets a precedence over the advice generated on the day the drawdown is due for a renewal.


If you have chosen the SWIFT media for sending the advice, then instead of the above mail format, the corresponding SWIFT message, MT644 is generated.

17.3.7 Consolidated Exchange Rate Fixing Advice to the Participant Bank

When fixing the exchange rate for the consolidated drawdown loan, you can send a Consolidated Exchange Rate Fixing Advice to the participant bank also.

All the fields included in the Consolidated Exchange Rate Fixing Advice sent to the borrower, are available in this advice as well. In addition, the following details are also be included:

Details of New Consolidated Advance

Details of Original Advances


If you have chosen the SWIFT media for sending the advice, then instead of the above mail format, the corresponding SWIFT message, MT644 is generated.

17.3.8 Split Renewal Exchange Rate Fixing Advice to the Participant Bank

When fixing the exchange rates for the split drawdown loans, you can send a Split Renewal Exchange Rate Fixing Advice to the participant bank also.

All the fields included in the Split Renewal Exchange Rate Fixing Advice sent to the borrower, are available in this advice as well. In addition, the following details are also included:

Details of Original Advance


Details of New Advances




17.4 Interest Rate Fixing Advices

17.4.1 Interest Rate Fixing Advice to Borrower for New Drawdown

If the product specified for the tranche or drawdown loan has a ‘Rate Fixing’ rate of interest, the same is applicable on the drawdown loan. However, you can change this rate at the contract level. If a ‘Floating’ rate has been defined for the product, the rate attached to the specified Rate Code, in the Floating Rates table, is applicable. You can change the rate code by using the Value Dated Changes function.


This advice is generated as part of the IRFX event.

After the appropriate interest rate has been fixed for the new drawdown loan initiated at your bank, you can send an ‘Interest Rate Fixing’ advice to the borrowing customer.

The Interest rate fixing advice includes the following details:


Maturity date is the rate fixing end date.


17.4.2 Interest Rate Fixing Advice to Borrower for Renewed Drawdown

Similarly, you can send an ‘Interest Rate Fixing’ Advice to the borrowing customer when you renew a drawdown loan. All the details available for the above advice are included in this advice also. The advice has the date on which the drawdown is due for renewal.

In addition, the advice is generated on the renewal date. This gets precedence over the advice generated on the day the drawdown is due for a renewal.

17.4.3 Consolidated Interest Rate Fixing Advice to the Borrower

When you consolidate multiple loans into a singe drawdown and apply the interest rate on the new drawdown, you can generate the Consolidated Interest Rate Fixing Advice to be sent to the borrower.

The following details of the new consolidated drawdown and the original drawdowns are included in the advice:

Details of New Consolidated Advance


Details of Original Advances


17.4.4 Split Renewal Interest Rate Fixing Advice to the Borrower

Likewise, when you split a single loan into multiple loans, you need to fix the interest rates to be applied on each drawdown. You can then send a Split Renewal Interest Rate Fixing Advice to the borrower.

The following details are included in this advice:

Details of Original Advance


Details of New Advances


17.4.5 Interest Rate Fixing Advice to Participant for New Drawdown

Just as you send an ‘Interest Rate Fixing’ Advice to the borrowing customer, you may send an Interest Rate Fixing Advice to the participant bank as well, at the time of initiating a new drawdown for the borrowing customer.

All the fields (excluding Standing Instructions) available in the advice sent to the borrower are available in the advice to the participant bank also. In addition, the following additional fields are included:


If you have chosen the SWIFT media for sending the advice, then instead of the above mail format, the corresponding SWIFT message, MT644 is generated.

17.4.6 Interest Rate Fixing Advice to Participant for Renewed Drawdown

You can send this advice to the participant bank when you renew a drawdown for a borrowing customer.

In addition, an advice is generated on the rollover date. This gets precedence over the advice generated on the day the drawdown is due for a renewal.


If you have chosen the SWIFT media for sending the advice, then instead of the above mail format, the corresponding SWIFT message, MT644 is generated.

17.4.7 Consolidated Interest Rate Fixing Advice to the Participant Bank

When you fix the interest rate on the new consolidated drawdown, you can send the Consolidated Interest Rate Fixing Advice to the participant bank just as you would send to the borrowing customer.

All the fields of the Consolidated Interest Rate Fixing Advice sent to the borrower are available in this advice. In addition, the following fields are included:

Details of New Consolidated Advance


Details of Original Advances



If you have chosen the SWIFT media for sending the advice, then instead of the above mail format, the corresponding SWIFT message, MT644 is generated.

17.4.8 Split Renewal Interest Rate Fixing Advice to Participant Bank

When you fix the interest rate for the split drawdowns, you can send the Split Renewal Interest Rate Fixing Advice to the participant bank just as you would send to the borrowing customer.

All the fields of Split Renewal Interest Rate Fixing Advice that is sent to the borrower are included in this advice. The following additional fields are also available:

Details of Original Advance


Details of New Advances




17.5 A note on Interest Rate Revision Advices

Oracle Banking Corporate Lending allows an interest rate revision beyond the last interest liquidation date, recalculates the interest for the paid schedules and tracks the payable and the receivable for the difference in the interest amounts.

Advices are sent to the participants and the borrower for rate revision and margin revision events giving details for amount due, amount received and the receivable or the payable amount.

17.6 Assignment Advice

Assignment advices are generated by Oracle Banking Corporate Lending when a participant transfer (assignment) happens. The fields/tags that are available on the advice are the following:

The transferee advice (for each transferee) has the following fields/ tags:

The associated event is the PRAM (Participant Amendment).

The advices are sent to both the participant – transfer from – party (the transferor) and the participant – transfer to – party (the transferee). The transferee details are present in the advice sent to the transferor as well. For a transferee, each transferee advice has only his/her share of the transferred amount in the advice apart from the transferor details.

17.7 Interest Rate Fixing Notice

17.7.1 Interest Rate Fixing Notice to Participant

Just as you send an ‘Interest Rate Fixing’ Advice to the borrowing customer, you can send ‘Interest Rate Fixing’ notice to the participant at the time of initiating a new drawdown for the borrowing customer.

All the fields (excluding standing instructions fields) available for the above advice are included in this notice also.

In addition, the following field is also included:

17.7.2 Interest Rate Fixing Notice to Borrower for New Drawdown

You can send the ‘Interest Rate Fixing Notice’ to the Borrower customer when a new drawdown is initiated for the customer.

The following details are included in this notice:

17.7.3 Interest Rate Fixing Notice to Borrower for Renewal Drawdown

This notice is generated to inform the borrowing customer when a drawdown loan is to undergo a renewal. All the fields available in the ‘Interest Rate Fixing Notice to the Borrower’ are also available in this notice.

In addition, the notice is generated on the rollover date. This gets precedence over the advice generated on the day the drawdown is due for a renewal.

17.7.4 Consolidated Interest Rate Fixing Notice

Consolidated Interest Rate Fixing Notice to Borrower for Renewal Drawdown

This notice is generated to give the borrowing customer a consolidated view of the interest rate fixing applied for a drawdown loan due for renewal.

The consolidated interest rate fixing notice includes the following details:

Details of New Consolidated Advance

Details of Original Advances

17.7.5 Interest Rate Fixing Notice to Borrower for Split Renewal

This notice is generated to inform the borrowing customer when a drawdown loan is due for a split renewal.

The interest rate fixing notice includes the following details:

Details of Original Advance

Details of New Advances

17.7.6 Interest Rate Fixing Notice to the Participant Bank

It includes all the fields of 6.1 and the following additional fields


In case you have chosen the media as SWIFT, an MT643 is generated instead of the above mail format.

17.7.7 Interest Rate Fixing Notice to Participant for Renewal Drawdown

This notice is generated to inform the participant customer when an interest rate fixing is done for a drawdown loan. All the fields available in the ‘Interest Rate Fixing Notice to the Borrower’ are available in this notice. In addition, the notice states the date on which the drawdown loan contract is due for a renewal.


In case you have chosen the media as SWIFT, an MT643 is generated instead of the above mail format.

In addition, a notice is generated on the renewal date. This gets precedence over the advice generated on the day the drawdown is due for a renewal.

17.7.8 Interest Rate Fixing Notice to Participant

Interest Rate Fixing Notice to Participant for Consolidated Renewal Drawdown

This notice is generated to give the participant customer a consolidated view of the interest rate fixing done for a drawdown loan. All the fields available in the ‘Interest Rate Fixing Notice to the Borrower’ are available in this notice. In addition, the following fields are included:


In case you have chosen the media as SWIFT, an MT643 is generated instead of the above mail format.

17.7.9 Interest Rate Fixing Notice to the Participant

For Split Renewal Drawdown – Consolidated for All Splits

This notice is generated to give the borrowing customer a consolidated view of when a drawdown loan is due for a split renewal. All the fields available in the ‘Interest Rate Fixing Notice to the Borrower’ are available in this notice. In addition, the following fields are included:

Details of Original Advance

Details of New advances – Consolidated list


In case you have chosen the media as SWIFT, an MT643 is generated instead of the above mail format.

17.7.10 Interest Rate Fixing Notice to the Participant

For Split Renewal Drawdown – Only Individual Split Details

Similarly, you can send a consolidate ‘Interest Rate Fixing’ notice to the participant customer when you do a split renew of a drawdown loan according to their individual splits. All the details available for the above notice is included in this advice also.

All the fields available in the ‘Interest Rate Fixing Notice to the Borrower’ are available in this notice. In addition, the following fields are included:

Details of Original Advance



17.8 Drawdown Notice to Participant

In case there is an exchange rate fluctuation, the participant of the account is sent a drawdown notice.

In case you have chosen the media as SWIFT, an MT643 is generated instead of the above mail format.


The message type for the MT 643 SWIFT message is PART_ERAM_NOTC.

17.8.1 Amendment to Earlier F/X Notice Sent to Participant

The Draw down Notice sent to the participant in case of fluctuation of exchange rate can be amended and resent to the participant of the account with the following information:

In case you have chosen the media as SWIFT, an MT644 is generated instead of the above mail format.


The message type for the MT 644 SWIFT message is EXRT_AMEND_ADV.

17.9 Amendment Fees for the Borrower

This notice is generated to give the borrowing customer a message for the amendment fee with the following information. Wiring Instructions to Remit the Payment

17.10 Amendment Fees for the Investor

This notice is generated to give the investor a message for the amendment fee with the following information. Wiring Instructions to Credit the Payment

17.11 Borrower Fax and Payment Message for SLC Fees

This notice is generated to give the borrowing customer a message with regard to the LC Synthetic Libor Interest due with the following information.

17.11.1 Borrower Fax Messages

For Delayed Funding and Compensatory Interest Component Computation Details

The following FAX messages address the delayed funding and display the corresponding Compensatory Interest component computation details

The following FAX template facilitates the Recall Notice to borrower through Free format messages

Borrower Normal Rollover FAX for full funding, Late funding and Non funding