8. Defining Free Format Messages

8.1 Introduction

In the course of your daily banking operations you may want to generate messages that are not automatically generated by the system or you may have to communicate a message that is very specific to a customer. You can enter the details of such messages in the form of a free format message.

This section contains the following topics:

8.1.1 Message Template Maintenance

You can maintain templates for messages through the ‘Message Format Template Maintenance screen’. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘OLDFFTMP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.


Message Type

Select the option ‘Normal’ to indicate you are maintaining tags for a Normal message, ‘Custom’ to indicate the message tags you are maintaining are for a Custom message or the option ‘Prorata’ to indicate you are maintaining tags for a Pro Rata message.

Template Type

Indicate the type of template that you are maintaining. You can select either one of the following options:

Every customer will be associated with an auto generated contract reference number and this contract reference number will be used while generating the free format message for specific customer.

Template Code

Enter a code for the message template you are maintaining.

Relevant Event

Select the event for which you need to use the message template, from the option list provided.


Select the media for sending the messages from the option list provided. You need to select ‘FPML’ for FpML message formats and for other advices, you need to select the media as ‘MAIL’.

Mapped Fax Template

Specify the fax template code for the FPML message format. You can also select the code from the option list provided.


This is enabled only if you have selected the media as ‘FPML’.

Message Description

Enter the message details here.


Indicating the Character Type

Select the character type from the adjoining drop-down list. The list displays the following values:

If the option ‘Simplified Chinese’ or ‘Traditional Chinese’ is selected, then the system will indicate that the template used in the advice format comprise of Chinese characters and the same will be used while generating the message to convert the specific tags like Date, Currency and Amount fields in the message with selected language.

8.1.2 Maintaining Free Format Message for Customer Details

You can maintain free format message for customers through the ‘Free Format Message – Customers’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘OLDFFMCU’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.



Every customer will be associated with an auto generated contract reference number and this contract reference number will be used while generating the free format message for specific customer.

You need to maintain two different free format templates for Future Dated Tax Documentation Expiration and Current/Past Tax Documentation Expiration as there is wording changes for "will expire"/ Past dated would use "has expired".

You will have the ability to generate any of the above messages for specific customer by specifying a customer number in this screen. If you have not maintained a customer number, then the system will generate the message to all active customers, for whom the Tax Expiry date is same as the Effective date defined.

You can review the messages once they are generated and before they are released/approved. Once it is authorized, you can view the message on the basis of customer number in the ‘Outgoing Fax Browser’ screen.

For more information, refer to Bilateral Loans User Manual.