2. OBCL - OBTF Integration

This chapter contains the following sections:

2.1 Introduction

You can integrate Oracle Banking Corporate Lending (OBCL) with trade. To integrate these two products, you need to do specific maintenances in OBTF (Oracle Banking Trade Finance) and OBCL.

2.2 Maintenances in OBCL

The integration between OBCL and OBTF enables the linkage to support for the below features,

This section contains the following topics:

2.2.1 External System Maintenance

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘GWDETSYS’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You need to define an external system for a branch that communicates with the OBCL using integration gateway.


Ensure in OBCL you maintain an active record with all the required fields and ‘External System’ as “OLIFOBTF” in ‘External System Maintenance’ screen.


For more information external system maintenances, refer to Common Core - Gateway User Guide.

2.2.2 Branch Maintenance

You need to create a branch in ‘Branch Core Parameter Maintenance’ (STDCRBRN) screen.

You can use this screen for capturing basic branch details like branch name, branch code, branch address, weekly holiday, and so on.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STDCRBRN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify a host for every branch created.

2.2.3 Host Parameter Maintenance

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘PIDHSTMT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.



Specify the following details

Host Code

Specify the host code.

Host Description

Specify the brief description for the host.

OBTF System

Specify the external system. For trade integration system, it is ‘OLIFOBTF’

2.2.4 Integration Parameters Maintenance

You can invoke this screen by typing ’OLDINPRM’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


Ensure you maintain an active record with all required fields and Service Name as “OBTFIFService” in ‘Integration Parameters Maintenance’ screen


Branch Code

Specify as ‘ALL’ in case the integration parameters are common for all branches.


Maintain for individual branches.

External System

Specify external system as ‘OLIFOBTF’.

Service Name

Specify service name as ‘OBTFIFService’.

Communication Channel

Specify the communication channel as ‘Web Service’.

Communication Mode

Specify the communication mode as ‘ASYNC’.

WS Service Name

Specify the web service name as ‘OBTFIFService’.

WS Endpoint URL

Specify the WSDL of the services as ‘OBTFIFService’ WSDL link.

WS User

Maintain the OBTF user with access to all branches.

2.2.5 External System Functions

You can invoke this screen by typing ’GWDETFUN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.












For more information external system maintenances, refer to Common Core - Gateway User Guide

External System

Specify external system as ‘OLIFOBTF’.


Maintain for the functions


Specify the action as

Service Name








Specify the service name as ‘FCUBSOLService’.

Operation Code

Specify the operation code as


Operation Code











2.2.6 Loan Parameter Maintenance

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘OLDLNPRM’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


Param Label

Specify the param label as ‘TRADE INTEGRATION’.

Param Value

Enable the check box to specify the value as ‘Y’.

2.2.7 External LOV And Function ID Service Mapping

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CODFNLOV’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


2.3 Maintenances in OBTF

2.3.1 External Service Maintenance

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘IFDTFEPM’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.



For more information external system maintenances, refer to Common Core - Gateway User Guide

External System

Specify the external system as ‘OBCL’.

External User

Specify the external User. Maintain the user in SMDUSRDF.


Specify the type as ‘SOAP Request’

Service Name

Specify the Service name as ‘FCUBSOLService’.

WS Endpoint URL

Select the WSDL of the services as ‘FCUBSOLService’ WSDL link.

2.3.2 Integration Parameter Maintenance

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘IFDINPRM’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


2.3.3 External System Functions

You can invoke this screen by typing ’GWDETFUN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.


For more information external system maintenances, refer to Common Core - Gateway User Guide

External System

Specify external system as ‘OLIFOBTF’.


Maintain for the functions ‘IFGOLCON’ and ‘IFGOLPRT’.


Specify the action as ‘NEW’.










Service Name

Specify the service name as ‘OBTFIFService’.

Operation Code

Specify the operation code as ‘CreateOLContract’ for the function ‘IFGOLCON’ – this service will consumed by OBCL to propagate OL contracts.

Specify the operation code as ‘CreateOLProduct’ for the function ‘IFGOLPRT’ – this service will be consumed by OBCL to propagate OL Products during creation and modification.