2. User Defined Events

2.1 Introduction

A contract that you process in Oracle Banking Corporate Lending goes through different stages during its life cycle. These stages are defined as Events. Every new module that you maintain has to be associated with a set of events, which are triggered at appropriate stages during the life cycle of the contract.

Apart from the factory shipped events, you can create your own events as per the requirements of the bank.

This chapter contains the following sections:

2.2 Event Details

This section contains the following topics:

2.2.1 Invoking User Defined Events Screen

You can define the events through the ‘User defined Events’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing OLDUDEMT in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can define events for a new module and also for existing modules in this screen.

User defined events will be linked to a product and is triggered in the life cycle of a contract, which is processed under that product.


Specify the module for which you want to set up a user-defined event. The adjoining option list contains all the module codes available in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Event Code

Specify the event code that you want to set up for the module.

Event Description

Give a brief description of the event that you are defining. The description that you enter is for information purposes.

Accounting Entries Definition

Specify the accounting entries definition. You have the following options:

Advice Definition

Specify the advice entries definition. You have the following options:


Indicate your preferences.

Allow Charge

Specify the association allow charge. You have the following options:

Allow Transaction Tax

Specify the association allow transaction tax. You have the following options:


Indicate your preferences. These fields will not be applicable if you have specified any one of the following in the ‘Module’ field:

Allow Charge

Specify the application allow charge. You have the following options:

Allow Transaction Tax

Specify the application allow transaction tax. You have the following options:


Indicate your preferences.These fields will not be applicable if you have specified any one of the following in the ‘Module’ field:

Allow Charge

Specify the liquidation allow charge. You have the following options:

Allow Transaction Tax

Specify the liquidation allow transaction tax. You have the following options:

2.2.2 Default Button

Click ‘Default’ button in the ‘User Defined Events’ screen to define the triggering parameters for the configured event.

In this screen you can enter the following details below:

Module Code

The system displays the module code here.

Event Code

The system displays the event code here.

Event Trigger

The event, which you are defining, can be triggered in either of the following ways:

Value Date Derivation

Select this check box to indicate that the value date derivation is defined for a particular event.

Event Processing

Select this check box to indicate the event processing is defined for a particular event.

Execution Query

Enter the query condition to select the list of accounts for the execution of the event during EOD. Input to this field is mandatory if you choose ‘Automatic’ triggering of the event.

2.2.3 Value Date Derivation Button

Click ‘Value Date Derivation’ button on the ‘Event Trigger’ screen and invoke the ‘Derivation Rule’ screen to specify the value date derivation logic.

In this screen you can enter the following details:

Module Code

The system displays module code here.

Event Code

The system displays event code here.

Value Date Derivation Rule

Enter description about the value date derivation rule. You need to assign a value to ‘L_VAL_DT’. For instance, ‘L_VAL_DT:=global.application_date’.


Click ‘Execute’ button to execute the code. The derivation code is validated by the system. If any checks fail, you must alter the statement so that the validation can be made successfully. Click ‘Error’ button to view the errors.

2.2.4 Event Processing Button

Click ‘Event Processing’ button on the ‘Event Trigger’ screen and invoke the ‘Derivation Rule’ screen to assign values for processing of the event.

In this screen you can enter the following details:

Module Code

The system displays module code here.

Event Code

The system displays event code here.


Click ‘Execute’ button to execute the code. The derivation code is validated by the system. If any checks fail, you must alter the statement so that the validation can be made successfully. Click ‘Error’ button to view the errors.

2.2.5 Viewing Event Details

You can view the event details maintained in the 'Events' screen under 'Events' screen of a contract screen. You can invoke the ‘Events’ screen by typing ‘OLDEVENT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Reference Number

Specify the reference number.

The system displays the following details: Viewing Accounting Entries

You can view the accounting entries maintained for an event in the ‘Accounting Entries’ screen by selecting an event and clicking on ‘Accounting Entries’ button in the’ Events’ screen. To invoke the screen type ‘OLDACENT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Reference Number

Specify the transaction reference number


Specify the event.

Event Number

The system displays the event number.

The following details are displayed in the Accounting Entries:

The following details are displayed in the Accounting Under Process:

Override Details

Click on ‘Overrides’ button to view the override details of the accounting entries. Viewing Messages

You can view the messages by selecting an event and clicking on ‘Messages’ button in the’ Events’ screen. To invoke the screen type ‘OLDMSGVW’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

The system displays the following details:

Message Details

You can view the details of a message by selecting a message from the ‘Message’ screen and clicking on ‘Message Details’ button.

2.2.6 Product Maintenance Screen

You can map the user defined accounting roles in OL product definition (OLDPRMNT), LS Product definition (LBDPRMNT),SLT Product definition (TLDPRMNT). User Defined Events of OL module defined can be associated at the OL product level in the Events tab.

2.2.7 Contract Creation

Create a contract using the same product code. After creating the contract, save and, authorize it.

2.3 Accounting Roles and Heads

This section contains the following topics:

2.3.1 Invoking Accounting Roles and Heads Screen

You can define the amount tags for accounting roles through the ‘Accounting Role and Head Maintenance’ screen You can invoke this screen by typing ‘OLDRLTAG’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters for the module:

2.3.2 Amount Tag Tab

This tab is displayed by default when you invoke the screen.

Amount Tag

Specify the amount tag.


Enter the brief description for amount tag.


Indicate whether accounting entries are required or not by choosing one of the following options:

Transaction Tax

Indicate whether transaction tax is applicable or not by choosing one of the following options:


Indicate whether the amount tag pertains to a charge or not by choosing one of the following options:

Click ‘Derivation’ button and invoke the ‘Derivation Rule Details’ screen to derive the amount and currency for the amount tag.

Here you can specify derivation logic for the following:

Module Code

The system displays module code here.

Amount Tag

The system displays the amount tag here.

Amount Rule Derivation

You can specify the following details.

Amount Rule Type

Check this box if the amount has to be derived based on a specified condition. The amount for a particular tag can be derived based on a condition.

Derivation Amount Rule

If you have checked against the option ‘Amount Rule Type’, the system will derive the amount for the amount tag that is being defined. You can use the following as variables while creating the derivation rule for Account Level UDF.



Derivation Rule


--Declaration Section


--Define the Rule


Amount Rule Error Description

Enter a brief description about amount rule error that should be displayed in case the derivation fails.

Currency Rule Derivation

The currency can either be derived from the existing account currency or can be maintained as a UDF field in the account or it can be hard-coded in the ‘Currency Rule Definition’ screen.

Currency Rule Type

Check this box if the currency for a particular amount tag has to be derived based on the derivation rule.

Derivation Currency Rule

Specify the rule based on which the system should derive the currency for the amount tag. You need to assign a value to ‘L_CCY’. For instance, the rule may be given as under.

Currency Rule Error Description

Enter a brief description about currency rule error that should be displayed in case the derivation fails.

2.3.3 Accounting Roles Tab

Click ‘Accounting Roles’ tab in the ‘Accounting Role and Head Maintenance’ screen.

In this screen you can enter the following details:

Role Code

Specify the role code.


Enter a brief description about role code.

Role Type

Select the role type from the adjoining drop-down list. The following values are available:

2.4 User Defined Events

This section contains the following topics:

2.4.1 Triggering User Defined Events Automatically

This screen is used for triggering the user defined event for the contract. You need to save and authorize the event.

On selecting the account and event, if the execution query exists for the user defined event, it is validated for the selected account number.If the validation fails, appropriate error appears and you cannot proceed in triggering of the event for the selected account.

You can invoke the ‘User Defined Events Triggering’ screen by typing ‘OLDUDEVT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.


Click ‘Default’ button, to default the following fields

Account Currency, Counterparty and Contract Status of the selected account gets defaulted in the respective fields.

Value date

If value date derivation rule exists, then it would calculate the same and update in value date field. You can override the same by changing any valid date for the value date field.

Amount tag

Amount tag is populated based on the accounting entries defined for the event at product level.


Currency and amount details are derived for each amount tag if the derivation rule exists for them. Currency and amount details can be overridden by providing the same in the respective fields. Select the settlement account and branch for each amount tag in the field Settlement Account.

After triggering the events, go ‘Contract Input’ screen (For example, OLDTRONL) and click ‘Events’ The events and accounting entries are passed for the UDE.