DSR Bulk Import

The DSR Bulk Import operations use configuration data in ASCII Comma-Separated Values (CSV) files (.csv), to insert new data into, update existing data in, or delete existing data from the Diameter Configuration and Diameter Common, IPFE Configuration, or DSR Applications (FABR, RBAR, PCA, GLA, CPA and Charging SBR, MD-IWF, DM-IWF, and RADIUS) configuration data in the system.

Import CSV Files

Import CSV files can be created by using a DSR Bulk Export operation, or can be manually created using a text editor. The CSV file formats are described in Diameter and Diameter Common CSV File Formats and Contents.


The format of each Import CSV file record must be compatible with the configuration data in the current DSR release in the system.
  • Configuration data refers to any data that is configured for one of the Export Application types (Diameter, FABR, RBAR, CPA, PCA, GLA, SBR, MDIWF, IPFE).
  • For the "Diameter" Export Application type, configuration data refers to any data that is configured using the GUI pages that are available from the Diameter Configuration menu folder, and the Diameter Common, and then Network Identifiers and Diameter Common, and then MPs menu folders.


    Diameter, and then AVP Dictionary configuration data cannot be imported using the Bulk Export function.


    Diameter Mediation configuration data cannot be imported with DSR Bulk Import operations; Mediation has its own Import and Export functions.
  • Each file can contain one or more records of the same format (for one configuration component, such as records for several Diameter Configuration Connections); the entire format for each record must be contained in one line of the file.

Files that are created using the DSR Bulk Export operation can be exported either to the Status & Manage File Management Directory (Status, and then Manage, and then Files page), or to the local Export Server Directory.

For files that are exported to the Export Server Directory,
  • If a remote Export Server has been configured (see the Administration, and then Remote Servers, and then Data Export page), the files in the Export Server Directory are automatically transferred to the configured remote Export Server and are deleted from the Export Server Directory. The transferred files do not appear in the list on the local system Status & Manage, and then Files page or in the list on the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Import page.
  • If a remote Export Server has not been configured, the files in the Export Server Directory appear in the list on the Status & Manage, and then Tasks, and then Active Tasks page, and also appear in the list on the local system Status & Manage, and then Files page, but not on the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Import page.
For files that are exported to the File Management Directory,
  • The files appear in the File Management area list on the local system Status & Manage, and then Files page and in the list on the Diameter, and then Configuration, and then Import page.
  • The files can be downloaded, edited, uploaded, and used for Import operations.
    • Import CSV files must be in the File Management area of the local system before they can be used for Import operations on the local system.
    • The Download function on the Status & Manage, and then Files page can be used to download the files to a location off of the local system for editing or transfer to another system.
    • The Upload function on the Status & Manage, and then Files page can be used to upload the files to the File Management area of the local system.
For files that are created manually using a text editor,
  • Import CSV files that are located off of the local system must be uploaded to the File Management area of the local system before they can be used for Import operations on the local system.
  • The Upload function on the Status & Manage, and then Files page can be used to upload the files to the File Management area of the local system.

Import Operations


Bulk Import can degrade the performance of the DA-MP and should be performed only in the maintenance window.
The CSV files that are used for Import operations must be in the local File Management area on the OAM where the data can be configured:
  • The NOAM for Diameter Topology Hiding data, network-wide PCA data, and MAP-Diameter Interworking data for MD-IWF
  • The SOAM for the rest of the Diameter data, site-specific PCA data, MAP-Diameter Interworking data for DM-IWF, IPFE data, MP Profiles and Profile Assignments data, and data for other DSR Applications.

The Diameter Common, and then Import page lists all files in the File Management area (on the Status & Manage, and then Files page) that have the .csv file extension.

The File Management button on the Diameter Common, and then Import page opens the Status & Manage, and then Files page.

The following Import operations can be performed:


The Application Type, Keyword, and Key fields in each file record are used to identify the configuration data entry in the system.
  • Insert new configuration data into the system

    Only data records that do not currently exist in the system are inserted. Any records in the file that do already exist in the system are treated and logged as failures.

  • Update existing configuration data in the system

    Only data records that currently exist in the system can be updated. Any records in the file that do not already exist in the system, and any records that already exist in the system but are not updated in the file, are treated and logged as failures.

  • Delete existing configuration data from the system

    Only data records that currently exist in the system can be deleted. Any records in the file that do not exist in the system, and any records that exist in the system but are not changed in the file, are treated and logged as failures.

For the Import operation on each record in a file to be successful with no errors logged for the operation, each record must be valid for the configuration data format and for the Import operation that is being performed.
  • Exported configuration data probably needs to be edited before the exported file is used for an Import operation on the same system.

    Insert from CSV operations - Records need to be added or edited to be able to insert new configuration data entries (such as connections or Route Lists). It is best to remove from the file any records for existing configuration data entries; they will be flagged as errors for an Insert operation. It might be difficult to distinguish between logged errors for existing data and for the records for the new entries.

    Update from CSV operations – Records need to be edited to change element values in existing configuration data entries. The Application Type, Keyword, and Key fields are NOT changed in the records, so that the entries can be identified as existing in the system. It is best to remove from the file any records for existing configuration data entries that are NOT being updated; they will be flagged as errors for an Insert operation. It might be difficult to distinguish between logged errors for existing records that are not updated and for the updated records.

    Delete from CSV operations – Using an exported file without editing it will remove from the system all of the configuration data entries in the exported records. If you do not want to delete all of the configuration data entries that are in the file records, edit the file and remove the records for the entries that are NOT to be deleted. Records for configuration data entries that do not exist in the system will be flagged as errors for a Delete operation. For example, if you want to delete 20 of 100 configured connections, edit the file and remove the records for the 80 connections that you do not want to delete.

  • Files that were created using the DSR Bulk Export operation and are transferred to another system for importing configuration data on that other system may not need to be edited. Exceptions might be system-specific information such as IP addresses and MP Profiles.
  • Manually created files can be created so that they contain only the configuration data that is needed for the desired Import operation.

    The files can be edited later for use with a different Import operation.

    Manually created CSV files are not required to contain a comment header. If a comment header is included in the file, it must be formatted using pound signs (#), as shown in the Export file header that is described in Export Results.


    IPFE supports Import and Delete operations only. Due to the design of the IPFE database, import of a single table is not supported. Importing both IpfeOption and IpListTsa is required. You must import IpfeOption first followed by IpListTsa. IpfeOption defines part of the Target Set data used during validation of the IpListTsa.

Import Operation Results

Each Import operation creates one or two files that appear in the File Management area:
  • A log file that has the same name as the Import file, but with the .log extension

    For example, ImportExportStatus/<import file name>.log

    The Bulk Import operation can be configured with the Abort On First Error check box to:
    • Log the error for each record that failed during the operation, and continue the Import operation.
    • Log the error for just the first record that failed, and end the Import operation.

    Information for records that succeed is not included in the log. The log file contains the Action (Import operation) that was performed; and the number of Successful Operations (records), Failed Operations (records), and Total Operations (records).

  • A Failures file, if failures occurred during the Import operation

    The file is a .csv with the same name as the Import file, but contains _Failures in the file name.

    For example, if the Import file name is October_2_SO_DSR1_Diameter_CmdCodes.csv, the Failures file is named October_2_SO_ DSR1_Diameter_CmdCodes_Failures.csv

    A Failures file can be downloaded from the local File Management area to a server off the local system, edited to correct each record that failed, uploaded to the local system File Management area, and used again to repeat the Import operation and successfully process the records.

Any Failures .csv files in the File Management Directory that remain unchanged for more than 14 days and any log files older than 14 days will be automatically removed. The task to remove these files runs once a day.

The Diameter Common > Import page

On the Diameter Common, and then Import page, you can perform the following actions:
  • Sort the list of files by column, by clicking the column heading. The default sort is by File Name in ascending ASCII order.
  • Select a file and click Insert From CSV, Update From CSV, or Delete From CSV.

    A popup window appears to confirm the selected Import operation.

    One import or export task at a time is allowed.

  • Click Tasks to display the status and progress of an Import operation.

    The progress of the import operation can also be viewed on the Status, and then Manage, and then Tasks, and then Active Tasks page.

  • Click File Management to open the Status & Manage, and then Files page.

    Exported .csv files can be viewed, downloaded to an external location, uploaded from an external location, and deleted.

    Log files from Import operations can be viewed and deleted.

  • Click the Abort On First Error check box.

    When a check mark appears in the box, only the first record that failed is recorded in the log and the Failures .csv file. The Bulk Import operation stops after the error is detected and logged.

    When there is no check mark in the box (the default), all records that failed are recorded in the log and the Failures .csv file.