4 Alarms and Events

This section provides an overview of alarms and events. Application alarms and events are unsolicited messages used in the system for trouble notification and to communicate the status of the system to Operations Services (OS). The application merges unsolicited alarm messages and unsolicited informational messages from all servers in a network and notifies you of their occurrence. Alarms enable a network manager to detect faults early and take corrective action to prevent a degradation in the quality of service.

Since alarms from each server are merged into one table of alarms at the SOAM and NOAMP servers, alarms should be viewed at the SOAM or NOAMP servers. When you log in to the GUI at the SOAM server, only alarms within that Network Element are visible. However, if you log in to the GUI at the NOAMP server, all alarms in the entire system are visible.

The Alarms and Events menu also features a page for viewing and generating reports of SNMP traps.