Country Long Lat

A Country Latitude and Longitude is an entry which shows the record of an origin country with its latitude and longitude.

Select the Common Security, and then Configuration, and then Country Long Lat page. The page displays the elements on the Country Long Lat View, Insert, and Edit pages.


Data Input Notes apply to the Insert and Edit pages only; the View page is read-only.

Table 8-1 Country Long Lat Elements

Element Description Data Input Notes
Country Name Name for the country. Valid names are strings between one and 32 characters, inclusive. Valid characters are alphanumeric and underscore. The name must contain at least one alpha and must not start with a digit.
Latitude Defines the latitude of country. The value will be accurate only upto one digit after decimal.
Longitude Defines the longitude of the country. The value will be accurate only upto one digit after decimal.
Mobile Country Code Mobile Country Code Minimum: 1, Maximum: 999

You can perform add, edit, or delete tasks on Common SecurityConfigurationCountry Long Lats page.

Adding a Country Long Lat

Perform the following steps to configure a new Country Long Lat:

  1. Click Insert.


    The new Country Long Lat must have a name that is unique across all Country Long Lats at the SOAM. In addition, the Country Long Lat's IP Port combination must also be unique across all Country Long Lats configured at the SOAM.
  2. Enter the applicable values.
  3. Click OK, Apply, or Cancel

Editing a Country Long Lat

Use this procedure to change the field values for a selected Country Long Lat. (The Country Long Lat Name field cannot be changed.):
  1. Select the Country Long Lat row to be edited.
  2. Click Edit
  3. Enter the updated values.
  4. Click OK, Apply, or Cancel

Deleting a Country Long Lat

Use the following procedure to delete a Country Long Lat.


You cannot delete a Country Long Lat if it is part of the configuration of one or more Linksets.
  1. Select the Country Long Lat to be deleted.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. Click OK or Cancel.