Exporting KPIs

You can schedule a one-time or periodic export of KPI data from the KPIs page. KPI data can be exported immediately, or you can schedule periodic exports to occur every fifteen minutes, hourly, daily, or weekly.

The KPI Export feature uses the Automated Performance Data Export (APDE) framework. See Files for more information on APDE generated files. Once the export task is complete the files can be located in the files management storage area which can be accessed by navigating from the main menu to Status & Manage, and then Files. The files are available in the file management area until you manually delete it, or until the file is transferred to an alternate location using the Export Server feature. For more information about using Export Server, see Remote Servers.

One or more export files are created for every export task. Exports based on a filtered data set honor scope but not group. All groups are included in the export task. Each exported file contains a unique name with a suffix type of csv. By default the system uses gzip compression. The default compression type can be changed. See Remote Servers for more information.

The csv subgroup portion of the filename is one of the following type:
  • SCALAR - the report contains Non-Arrayed items; there is no index column.
  • INDEXED - the report contains Arrayed items using a numerical index.
  • <map_name> - the report contains Arrayed items using a common name mapped index.


Index values can be either numeric or string. For CPU cores, naming the array indexes does not offer any significant value, but for other kinds of arrayed KPIs, the indexes may have a meaningful name (which are used in place of a numeric index.)

Use this procedure to initiate or schedule a KPI data export task.

  1. Click Status & Manage, and then KPIs.
  2. Apply the desired filter criteria. Select the KPI Filter drawer located to the right of the main work area. The filter icon is represented by a funnel. The drawer slides open and presents lists for both Group and Scope. Specify filter criteria and click Go.
    The KPIs are displayed according to the specified filter criteria.
  3. Select the KPI APDE Export drawer located to the right of the main work area. The filter icon is represented by a stylistic clock. The drawer slides open and presents the export options.
  4. Select the Export Frequency. Based on this selection, other fields may become active or inactive.
  5. Enter a Task Name.
    This field is not active if the selected export frequency is once. For more information about Task Name, or any field on this page, see KPIs data export elements.
  6. Optional: Enter a Description.
    This field is not active if the selected export frequency is once.
  7. Optional: Enter a Filename Prefix.
    The filename prefix is pre-pended to the generated export file name for quick identification.
  8. Select the Minute if Export Frequency is fifteen minutes or hourly.
    If the selected export frequency is fifteen minutes or hourly, this is the minute of each period when the transfer is set to begin. For an export frequency of fifteen minutes, transfers occur four times per hour, and this field displays the minute of the first transfer.
  9. Select the Time of Day if Export Frequency is daily or weekly.
    This field is not active if the selected export frequency is once, fifteen minutes, or hourly.
  10. Select the Day of Week if Export Frequency is weekly.
    This field is not active if the selected export frequency is once, fifteen minutes, hourly, or daily.
  11. Click OK to initiate the KPI export task.
    KPI export task progress can be monitored from the KPI APDE Tasks drawer. See KPI Export Tasks.
The data export task is initiated or scheduled.

From the Status & Manage, and then Files page, you can view a list of files available for download, including the file you exported during this procedure. For more information, see View the File List.

Scheduled KPI tasks can be viewed, deleted and reports can be generated from Status & Manage, and then Tasks, and then Scheduled Tasks. For more information, see:

You cannot modify KPIs using this task unless you delete the KPI and create a new one.


Only one export operation at a time is supported on a single server. If an export is in progress from another GUI session when you click Export, a message is displayed and the export does not start. You must wait until the other export is complete before you can begin your export.