Stop the Application

Use this procedure when the application on a server needs to be stopped. Stopping the application software places it in the Disabled Application state. Examples of when to stop the application include times when you need to delete a server, change a server role, or perform a system restore.

GUI sessions are not affected by the stop and restart application software actions. You may continue to use the GUI as these actions progress. You may use GUI sessions connected to servers with stopped application software. GUI provisioning may be affected if the server is the active NOAMP server. Stopping and starting application software may cause a switchover as well; you can observe changes in the status of those servers from the Server Status page.


Do not click Stop for an application until you have assessed the impact on the system. Stopping the application on a server can adversely affect processes on this server and/or other servers in the network element.
  1. Click Status & Manage, and then Server.
  2. Click to select the server you want to stop.
    To select multiple rows, press and hold Ctrl as you click to select specific rows.
  3. Click Stop.
    A warning message appears:

    Are you sure you wish to stop application software on the following server(s)? <server name>

  4. Click OK to continue.
Application processes are disabled on this server. Stopping the application or restarting running software influences the High Availability subsystem by raising an alarm. Stopping application software affects server processing in the following ways:
  • Servers continue to emit alarms and collect measurements.
  • NOAMP and SOAM servers continue to publish replicated data and accept GUI connections.
  • SOAM and Message processing servers continue to subscribe to replicated data.
  • NOAMP servers do not accept provisioning/configuration changes.
  • MP servers do not maintain signaling connections nor process messages.