Users Administration

The Users Administration page enables you to perform functions such as adding, modifying, enabling, or deleting user accounts. The primary purpose of this page is to set up users for logging into the system. This page can also be used for adding users for the purpose of validating usernames and passwords in SOAP provisioning requests.

Each user is also assigned to a group or groups. Permissions to a set of functions are assigned to each group. The permissions determine the functions and restrictions for the users belonging to the group.

A user must have user/group administrative privileges to view or make changes to user accounts or groups. The administrative user can set up or change user accounts and groups, enable or disable user accounts, set password expiration intervals, and change user passwords.

System user

Each user who is allowed access to the user interface is assigned a unique Username. This Username and the associated password must be provided during login. After three consecutive, unsuccessful login attempts, a user account is disabled. The number of failed login attempts before an account is disabled is a value that is configured through Administrations, and then Options. For more information, see General Options.