Viewing KPIs

Use this procedure to filter and view KPI data.

By default, the initial page display presents KPI data with a scope of Entire-Network and a group of Non Arrayed. From this filter set, the work area displays server statistics based on all the servers in this topology. Use this procedure to apply a different filter set and view the corresponding KPI data.

  1. From the main menu select Status & Manage, and then KPIs.
    To isolate the statistics of specific server on the Status and Manage, and then KPIs [Group: 'Server'] page, navigate the tabs in the row containing Scope selection tabs. If the target server is not visible in the available screen space use the scroll right/left buttons located to the right or left of the visible tabs in the row containing scope selection tabs.
  2. To apply a different filter, select the KPI Filter drawer located to the right of the main work area. The filter icon is represented by a funnel. The drawer slides open and presents lists for both Group and Scope. In addition to the lists, two action buttons are presented: Go and Reset. Select the desired Group and Scope and click Go.
    The drawer closes and the KPI data displays in the work area. Navigate the Group and Scope tabs to further isolate the KPI data.