
認識テキスト機能は、モデル・リポジトリおよびモデル・デプロイメントとともに、Oracle Machine Learning Servicesのコンポーネントです。

Oracle Machine Learning Servicesでは、REST APIを介して次の認識テキスト機能がサポートされます。
  • トピック検出またはトピック探知
  • キーワード識別
  • サマリー
  • センチメント分析
  • 類似度
  • 特徴抽出


Linuxユーティリティjqを使用して、JSON出力を読取り可能な形式に解析できます。jqユーティリティは、主要なLinux配布リポジトリのすべてに含まれています。Oracle LinuxおよびRed Hatシステムでは、次のコマンドを使用してインストールされます。
$ sudo yum install jq



1: モデル・エンドポイントのリストの取得

この例では、OML Servicesで提供されるすべての認識テキスト・エンドポイントを返す方法を示します。新しい認識テキスト・エンドポイントは作成できませんが、アクセス権に応じてエンドポイントを参照してスコアリングできます。


curl -X GET --header "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" "<oml-cloud-service-location-url>/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text"


  "items": [
      "name": "topics",
      "description": "A cognitive text scoring endpoint that returns the most important topics in the provided text list.",
      "links": [
          "rel": "topics",
          "href": "https://adb.us-sanjose-1.oraclecloud.com/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/topics"
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "https://adb.us-sanjose-1.oraclecloud.com/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/."
      "name": "keywords",
      "description": "A cognitive text scoring endpoint that returns the most important keywords in the provided text list.",
      "links": [
          "rel": "keywords",
          "href": "https://adb.us-sanjose-1.oraclecloud.com/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/keywords"
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "https://adb.us-sanjose-1.oraclecloud.com/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/."
      "name": "summary",
      "description": "A cognitive text scoring endpoint that returns the summary of the provided text list.",
      "links": [
          "rel": "summary",
          "href": "https://adb.us-sanjose-1.oraclecloud.com/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/summary"
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "https://adb.us-sanjose-1.oraclecloud.com/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/."
      "name": "similarity",
      "description": "A cognitive text scoring endpoint that returns the similarity of the probe text and a list of texts.",
      "links": [
          "rel": "similarity",
          "href": "https://adb.us-sanjose-1.oraclecloud.com/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/similarity"
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "https://adb.us-sanjose-1.oraclecloud.com/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/."
      "name": "sentiment",
      "description": "A cognitive text scoring endpoint that returns the sentiment of the provided text list.",
      "links": [
          "rel": "sentiment",
          "href": "https://adb.us-sanjose-1.oraclecloud.com/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/sentiment"
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "https://adb.us-sanjose-1.oraclecloud.com/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/."
      "name": "features",
      "description": "A cognitive text scoring endpoint that returns the features of the provided text list.",
      "links": [
          "rel": "features",
          "href": "https://adb.us-sanjose-1.oraclecloud.com/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/features"
          "rel": "self",
          "href": "https://adb.us-sanjose-1.oraclecloud.com/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/."
  "links": [
      "rel": "self",
      "href": "https://adb.us-sanjose-1.oraclecloud.com/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text"

2: 最も関連性の高いテキスト・キーワードを返す



curl -X POST "<oml-cloud-service-location-url>/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/keywords" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" \
--data '{
  "textList":["With Oracle Machine Learning, Oracle moves the algorithms to the data. Oracle runs machine learning within the database, where the data reside. This approach minimizes or eliminates data movement, achieves scalability, preserves data security, and accelerates time-to-model deployment. Oracle delivers parallelized in-database implementations of machine learning algorithms and integration with the leading open source environments R and Python. Oracle Machine Learning delivers the performance, scalability, and automation required by enterprise-scale data science projects ? both on-premises and in the Cloud."]
}' | jq
    "text": "With Oracle Machine Learning, Oracle moves the algorithms to the data. Oracle runs machine learning within the database, where the data reside. This approach minimizes or eliminates data movement, achieves scalability, preserves data security, and accelerates time-to-model deployment. Oracle delivers parallelized in-database implementations of machine learning algorithms and integration with the leading open source environments R and Python. Oracle Machine Learning delivers the performance, scalability, and automation required by enterprise-scale data science projects ? both on-premises and in the Cloud.",
    "keywordResults": [
        "keyword": "Oracle",
        "weight": 0.4857284784454714
        "keyword": "algorithms",
        "weight": 0.43990432999766216

3: テキスト・サマリーを返す



curl -X POST "<oml-cloud-service-location-url>/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/summary" \
 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 --header "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" \
 --data '{
   "textList":["With Oracle Machine Learning, Oracle moves the algorithms to the data. Oracle runs machine learning within the database, where the data reside. This approach minimizes or eliminates data movement, achieves scalability, preserves data security, and accelerates time-to-model deployment. Oracle delivers parallelized in-database implementations of machine learning algorithms and integration with the leading open source environments R and Python. Oracle Machine Learning delivers the performance, scalability, and automation required by enterprise-scale data science projects ? both on-premises and in the Cloud."]
 }' | jq
    "text": "With Oracle Machine Learning, Oracle moves the algorithms to the data. Oracle runs machine learning within the database, where the data reside. This approach minimizes or eliminates data movement, achieves scalability, preserves data security, and accelerates time-to-model deployment. Oracle delivers parallelized in-database implementations of machine learning algorithms and integration with the leading open source environments R and Python. Oracle Machine Learning delivers the performance, scalability, and automation required by enterprise-scale data science projects ? both on-premises and in the Cloud.",
    "summaryResults": [
        "sentence": "Oracle delivers parallelized in-database implementations of machine learning algorithms and integration with the leading open source environments R and Python. ",
        "weight": 0.841429024903614
        "sentence": "Oracle Machine Learning delivers the performance, scalability, and automation required by enterprise-scale data science projects ? both on-premises and in the Cloud.",
        "weight": 0.7717966493441589

4: テキスト・センチメントを返す


curl -X POST "<oml-cloud-service-location-url>/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/sentiment" \
 --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
 --header "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" \
 --data '{
   "textList":["With Oracle Machine Learning, Oracle moves the algorithms to the data. Oracle runs machine learning within the database, where the data reside. This approach minimizes or eliminates data movement, achieves scalability, preserves data security, and accelerates time-to-model deployment. Oracle delivers parallelized in-database implementations of machine learning algorithms and integration with the leading open source environments R and Python. Oracle Machine Learning delivers the performance, scalability, and automation required by enterprise-scale data science projects ? both on-premises and in the Cloud."]
 }' | jq
    "text": "With Oracle Machine Learning, Oracle moves the algorithms to the data. Oracle runs machine learning within the database, where the data reside. This approach minimizes or eliminates data movement, achieves scalability, preserves data security, and accelerates time-to-model deployment. Oracle delivers parallelized in-database implementations of machine learning algorithms and integration with the leading open source environments R and Python. Oracle Machine Learning delivers the performance, scalability, and automation required by enterprise-scale data science projects ? both on-premises and in the Cloud.",
    "sentimentResults": [
        "sentiment": "neutral",
        "confidence": 0.7768593976551998
        "sentiment": "negative",
        "confidence": 0.15795427860813646
        "sentiment": "positive",
        "confidence": 0.06518632373666372

5: 最も関連性の高いテキスト・トピックを返す


curl -X POST "<oml-cloud-service-location-url>/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/topics" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" \
--data '{
 "textList":["With Oracle Machine Learning, Oracle moves the algorithms to the data. Oracle runs machine learning within the database, where the data reside. This approach minimizes or eliminates data movement, achieves scalability, preserves data security, and accelerates time-to-model deployment. Oracle delivers parallelized in-database implementations of machine learning algorithms and integration with the leading open source environments R and Python. Oracle Machine Learning delivers the performance, scalability, and automation required by enterprise-scale data science projects ? both on-premises and in the Cloud."]
}' | jq
    "text": "With Oracle Machine Learning, Oracle moves the algorithms to the data. Oracle runs machine learning within the database, where the data reside. This approach minimizes or eliminates data movement, achieves scalability, preserves data security, and accelerates time-to-model deployment. Oracle delivers parallelized in-database implementations of machine learning algorithms and integration with the leading open source environments R and Python. Oracle Machine Learning delivers the performance, scalability, and automation required by enterprise-scale data science projects ? both on-premises and in the Cloud.",
    "topicResults": [
        "topic": "Oracle Database",
        "weight": 0.31551492019770755
        "topic": "Scalability",
        "weight": 0.2526506529399862
        "topic": "Oracle Corporation",
        "weight": 0.2375060259741595
        "topic": "Machine learning",
        "weight": 0.22823082222493368
        "topic": "Analysis of algorithms",
        "weight": 0.1507387699576783

6: テキスト類似度を返す


curl -X POST "<oml-cloud-service-location-url>/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/similarity" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" \
--data '{
	"textList":["With Oracle Machine Learning, Oracle moves the algorithms to the data. Oracle runs machine learning within the database, where the data reside. This approach minimizes or eliminates data movement, achieves scalability, preserves data security, and accelerates time-to-model deployment. Oracle delivers parallelized in-database implementations of machine learning algorithms and integration with the leading open source environments R and Python. Oracle Machine Learning delivers the performance, scalability, and automation required by enterprise-scale data science projects ? both on-premises and in the Cloud."],
}' | jq
    "text": "With Oracle Machine Learning, Oracle moves the algorithms to the data. Oracle runs machine learning within the database, where the data reside. This approach minimizes or eliminates data movement, achieves scalability, preserves data security, and accelerates time-to-model deployment. Oracle delivers parallelized in-database implementations of machine learning algorithms and integration with the leading open source environments R and Python. Oracle Machine Learning delivers the performance, scalability, and automation required by enterprise-scale data science projects ? both on-premises and in the Cloud.",
    "similarity": 0.43990432999766216

7: テキスト文字列の数値特徴を返す

features APIでは、ドキュメントを1024の浮動小数点数のベクトルとして表すことができます。特徴ベクトルは、テキスト処理で使用できます。たとえば、特徴ベクトルを使用して、ベクトル空間に基づく類似ドキュメントを検索できます。大きいテキスト・コレクションのテキスト処理を類似度の計算に使用されるベクトルのみで事前に実行できるため、コンピュート・リソースを節約できます。


次のcURLコマンドを実行して、指定されたテキスト文字列Oracle Machine Learningに対する数値特徴を返します。
curl -X POST "<oml-cloud-service-location-url>/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/features" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" \
--data '{
   "textList":["Oracle Machine Learning"]
}' | jq
    "text": "Oracle Machine Learning",
    "scoringResults": {
      "weights": [

8: 認識テキスト・トピックの検出


curl -X POST "<oml-cloud-service-location-url>/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/topics" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" \
--data '{
  "textList":["With Oracle Machine Learning, Oracle moves the algorithms to the data. Oracle runs machine learning within the database, where the data reside. This approach minimizes or eliminates data movement, achieves scalability, preserves data security, and accelerates time-to-model deployment. Oracle delivers parallelized in-database implementations of machine learning algorithms and integration with the leading open source environments R and Python. Oracle Machine Learning delivers the performance, scalability, and automation required by enterprise-scale data science projects both on-premises and in the Cloud."]
}' | jq



"topicResults": [
        "topic": "Oracle Corporation",
        "weight": 0.19987709210173316
        "topic": "Machine learning",
        "weight": 0.1905437857032045
        "topic": "Scalability",
        "weight": 0.1796066801401289
        "topic": "Data mining",
        "weight": 0.1452028606883496
        "topic": "Analysis of algorithms",
        "weight": 0.13456003371071854

9: 認識テキスト・キーワードの識別

curl -X POST "<oml-cloud-service-location-url>/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/keywords" \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" \
--data '{
  "textList":["With Oracle Machine Learning, Oracle moves the algorithms to the data. Oracle runs machine learning within the database, where the data reside. This approach minimizes or eliminates data movement, achieves scalability, preserves data security, and accelerates time-to-model deployment. Oracle delivers parallelized in-database implementations of machine learning algorithms and integration with the leading open source environments R and Python. Oracle Machine Learning delivers the performance, scalability, and automation required by enterprise-scale data science projects both on-premises and in the Cloud."]
}' | jq


"keywordResults": [
        "keyword": "data",
        "weight": 0.5521764418721277
        "keyword": "algorithms",
        "weight": 0.46610186622828115

10: 認知テキスト・センチメント分析


curl -X POST --header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header "Authorization: Bearer ${token}" \
<oml-cloud-service-location-url>/omlmod/v1/cognitive-text/sentiment \
 -d '{"textList":["With Oracle Machine Learning, Oracle moves the algorithms to the data, processing data where it resides minimizing or eliminating data movement, achieving scalability, preserving security, and accelerating time-to-model deployment."]}' | jq


[ { "text": "With Oracle Machine Learning, Oracle moves the algorithms to the data, processing data where it resides minimizing or eliminating data movement, achieving scalability, preserving security, and accelerating time-to-model deployment.", "sentimentResults": [ { "sentiment": "neutral", "confidence": 0.8003081130871371 }, { "sentiment": "negative", "confidence": 0.12303965647159439 }, { "sentiment": "positive", "confidence": 0.07665223044126848 } ] } ]