6 Alarms, Errors, KPIs, and Measurements
This chapter describes the types of alarm, error, KPI, and measurements information that is available for vSTP.
6.1 vSTP Alarms and Events
The vSTP alarms and events are described in the Alarms and KPIs Reference, which can be accessed as described in the DSR Getting Started manual.
Active alarms and events and alarm and event history can be displayed on the
and pages.6.2 vSTP Measurements
Measurements for vSTP are collected and reported in various measurement groups.
A measurement report and a measurement group can be associated with a one-to-one relationship. A measurements report can be generated with report criteria selected on the
page.The Measurements Reference, which can be accessed as described in the DSR Getting Started manual, explains the report selection criteria and describes each measurement in each measurement group.
6.3 vSTP Errors
Errors for vSTP are collected and reported in various error groups.
GTT Actions
Resource GTT Actions (/vstp/gttactions).
A GTT Action entry consists of an Action ID, an action, and action-specific data. The action specified in the entry determines the actions performed on the MSU during translation.
GTT Actions is added in DSR 8.2 as part of the GTT actions feature.Table 6-1 GTT Actions Errors
Error Code Number | Description |
001 - Missing Field Value | |
002 - Invalid Syntax | CGPC must be in proper point code format. |
003 - Field value must be unique | The GTT Action entry specified by the actid parameter cannot already exist in the database. |
071 - Operation failed. The entry no longer exists |
The specified MAP set must already exist in the database or MRN table. or The specified Action ID must already exist in the database. or The specified GTT Action entry must already exist in the database. |
50136 - MAPSET must be specified (only) if RI parameter is SSN | If the ri=gt parameter is specified, then the mapset parameter cannot be specified. |
50137 - MRNSET must be specified (only) if RI parameter is GT | If the ri=ssn parameter is specified, then the mrnset parameter cannot be specified. |
50141 - With FGTTLS feature in OFF state, MAP Set Id must not be specified | The Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature must be enabled before the mapset parameter can be specified. |
50142 - With FGTTLS and IGTTLS feature in OFF state, MRN Set ID must not be specified | The Flexible GTT Load-Sharing feature must be enabled before the mrnset parameter can be specified. |
50143 - RSP does not exist in the routing table | The value specified for the rsp parameter must already exist as a destination in the Route table. |
50207 - RSP does not exist in specified MRNSET | If the Flexible GTT Load Sharing feature is enabled, the specified PC must already exist in the specified MRN set. |
50208 - RSP/SSN does not exist in MAPSET |
The specified rsp and ssn must already exist in the specified MAP set. or If the rsp, ri=ssn and ssn parameters are specified, then the RSP/SSN must be populated in the MAPSET table. |
50215 - Invalid parameter combination specified |
50216 - RSP and CGPC must be of same domain |
The values specified for the RSP and CGPC parameters must have the same domain. or The rspName and CGPC parameters must have the same domain. |
50217 - Maximum number of GTT Actions within this site has already been configured (max={2000}) | The GTT Action table cannot contain more than 2000 entries. |
50218 - CGPC/DOMAIN must be specified |
If a value of dup or fwd is specified for the act parameter then the rspName parameter must be specified. If the ri=ssn parameter is specified, then the ssn parameter must be specified. If the value of the cgpcogmsg=provcgpc parameter is specified, then the cgpc and domain parameter must be specified. |
50219 - GTT Action ID does not exist | The GTT Action ID specified by the defactid parameter must already exist. |
50220 - The type of the action for DEFACTID shall be disc, udts, tcaperr | A value of disc, utds, or tcaperr must be specified for the defactid parameter. |
50221 - GTT Action entry is referenced |
The value specified by the act parameter cannot be changed until the associated Action ID is referenced by an Action Set or by any forward action. or The Action ID specified by the actid parameter cannot be referenced by an Action Set or an action entry that is associated an action of fwd. |
50222 - GTT Action entry is referenced and can only be changed from disc/udts/tcaperr to disc/udts/tcap. | The value can only be changed from disc/udts/tcaperr to disc/udts/tcaperr. |
50223 - GTT Action ID must not be fallback | A value of fallback cannot be specified for the actid parameter. |
GTT Action Sets
Resource GTT Action Sets (/vstp/gttactionsets).
Global Title Translation (GTT) Action Set consists of an Action Set name and a group of actions.
Table 6-2 GTT Action Sets Errors
Error Code Number | Description |
001 - Missing Field Value | At least one Action ID should be provided in GTT Action Set. |
50231 - GTT Action name already provisioned in GTT Action Set | The value specified by the actsn parameter cannot already exist in a GTT Action Set. |
50232 - GTT Action ID does not exist | The Action ID specified by the actid1/actid2 parameter(s) must already exist in the GTT Action table. |
50233 - Maximum number of GTT Action Set within this site has already been configured (max={20000}). | The GTT Action Set table cannot contain more than 20000 entries. |
50234 - Invalid Combinations. ACTID1 should be DUP |
If one action Id is provided, then it can be associated with an action of any type (dup, disc, udts, tcaperr, fwd) in GTT Action Set. If both action Ids are provided, then first action id should be associated with an action of 'dup', and second action id should be associated with an action of disc, udts, tcaperr, or fwd in GTT Action Set. |
50235 - GTT Action IDs should be unique in a GTT Action Set | The actid1/actid2 parameters must each specify a unique GTT Action ID in the command. |
50236 - GTT Action Set does not exist | The specified GTT Action Set name must already exist in the database. |
50236 - GTT Action ID does not exist | The Action ID specified by the actid1/actid2 parameter(s) must already exist in the GTT Action table. |
50237 - GTT Action Set is referenced by translations | The GTT Action entry cannot be referred by any translation entry. |
50334 - GTT Action DUP and FWD must have same domain | GTTASET: Dup and Fwd Actions must have same domain, implement error code as per Bug# 26809167. |
GTT Selectors
Resource GTT Selectors (/vstp/gttselectors).
Global Title Translation (GTT) Selector is an entity assigned to a GTT Set.
Table 6-3 GTT Selectors Errors
Error Code Number | Description |
001 - Missing Field Value | At least one GTT set name parameter must be specified.
These parameters include:
071 - Operation failed. The entry no longer exists |
The linkset specified by the linksetName parameter must already exist. or The value specified for the gttsn parameter must match the name of an existing GTT set. or The GTT set specified by the gttsn parameter must already exist in the GTT Set table. or The GTT set specified by the cdgttsn parameter must already exist in the GTT Set table. |
50106 - Translation Type, NAI(v) and NP(v) must be specified when GTI value is \'TtNumEncodingNature\' |
If a value of 2 or 4 is specified for the gti(x) parameter, then the tt parameter must be specified. or If the gtii/gtin/gtin24/gtiis/gtins/gtin16=4 parameter is specified, an np(v)/nai(v) parameter combination must be specified. These parameters can be specified in any combination. or If the gtii/gtin/gtin24/gtiis/gtins/gtin16=4 parameter is specified, an np(v)/nai(v) parameter combination must be specified. These parameters can be specified in any combination: np/naiv, npv/nai, np/nai, or npv/naiv. |
50107 - Translation Type must be specified when GTI value is \'TtOnly\' | If a value of 2 or 4 is specified for the gti(x) parameter, then the tt parameter must be specified. |
50108 - NAI(v) or NP(v) must not be specified when GTI value is \'TtOnly\' | If the gti/gtia/gtii/gtin/gtin24/gtiis/gtins/gtin16=2 parameter is specified, then the np/npv and nai/naiv parameters cannot be specified. |
50109 - NAI(v), NP(v), or TT must not be specified when GTI value is \'NoGlobal\'' |
If the gti(x)=0 parameter is specified, then the tt, np/npv, and nai/naiv parameters cannot be specified. or If the gti(x)=0 parameter is specified, then the eaglegen, tt, np/npv, and nai/naiv parameters cannot be specified. |
50110 - NAI entries per TT-NP combination has reached allowed max of {max} | If the gti(x)=4 parameter is specified, then the GTT selector table cannot have more than 5 nai entries per tt/np combination. |
50111 - NAI and NAI Value both cannot be specified |
The nai and naiv parameters cannot be specified in the same command. or The nai and naiv parameters cannot be specified together in the same command. |
50112 - NP and NP Value both cannot be specified |
The np and npv parameters cannot be specified in the same command. or The np and npv parameters cannot be specified together in the same command. |
50113 - CdPA GTT Set type must be cdgta | The GTT set specified by the gttsn parameter must have a set type of cdgta |
50114 - GTT Selector domain does not match with the domain of the GTT set | The network domain of the specified GTT selector must match the domain of the GTT set that is specified by the cdgttsn and/or cggttsn parameter. |
50165 - GTI and TT/NP/NAI/CGSSN/SELID/LINKSET combination is not unique | An entry cannot already exist that matches the gti, tt, and np(v), and nai(v) and cgssn and selid and linkset parameter combination for the specified CdPA and/or CgPA selector. |
50248 - MBR settypes cannot be referenced by GTT selectors | The MBR supported GTT set types (IMSI/MSISDN) cannot be referenced by GTT selectors. |
50249 - GTTSN and CDGTTSN/CGGTTSN/LINKSETNAME/CGSSN/SELID are mutually exclusive | The gttsn and cdgttsn/cggttsn/linkset name/cgssn/selid parameters cannot be specified together in the command. |
50250 - CGSSN and CDGTTSN value both cannot be specified | The cgssn and cdgttsn parameters cannot be specified together in the command. |
50251 - LinkSet domain must match the domain of GTT selector | The linkset domain must match the domain of the GTT selector. |
GTT Addresses
Resource GTT Addresses (/vstp/globaltitleaddresses).
Global Title Translation (GTT) Global title address (GTA) information for applicable global title selectors required to specify a global title entry.
Table 6-4 GTT Addresses Errors
Error Code Number | Description |
GTT Set Name: {ERR_ONT_002} - Invalid Syntax. | The gttsn parameter must be specified and must match an existing gttsn. |
Routing Signaling Point: {ERR_ONT_002} - Invalid Syntax. | The pc parameter cannot be out of range. |
50122 - Maximum Number of GTA have already been configured. (max={50000}). | The GTT table cannot be full in case a delete command causes a split requiring more entries to be added. |
50122 - Maximum Number of GTA have already been configured. (max={270000}). | The GTA table cannot contain more than 270000 entries. |
50122 - OPTSN GTT set type is not compatible with GTTSN set type |
If the GTTSN set has a set type of cdgta or cdssn, then the OPTSN set cannot have a set type of opc. If the GTTSN set has a set type of opcode, then the OPTSN set cannot have a set type of opc. If the GTTSN set has a set type of MBR (imsi/msisdn), then the OPTSN set type cannot have the same set type as GTTSN. If the OPTSN set has a set type of MBR (imsi/vmsisdn), then the GTTSET must have a set type of MBR (imsi/msisdn) or opcode. |
50126 - GTA End Address must be greater than or equal to the value of the GTA Start Address | If the endAddress/emapaddr parameter is specified, then the value of the endAddress/emapaddr parameter must be greater than or equal to the value of the startAddress/smapaddr parameter. |
50128 - Routing Indicator must be specified as \'GT\' when Translate Indicator is \'DPCNGT\'. | If the xlat=dpcngt parameter is specified, then the ri=gt parameter must be specified. |
50129 - Sub System Number must be specified when Translate Indicator is \'DPCSSN\' | If the xlat=dpcssn parameter is specified, then the ssn parameter must be specified. |
50134 - Start Address and End Address Range is overlaping with existing GTA - {gttsets} | The specified startAddress/endAddress or smapaddr/emapaddr range must exist for the specified GTT set in the STP active database. While an exact match is not required, you cannot specify an overlap with another range. If the range overlaps, an error is generated that displays a list of overlapped global title addresses. An example follows that shows what happens when the user attempts to enter a global title address range (such as 8005550000 to 8005559999) that overlaps an existing range. The overlapping links must match. If they do not, the error message displays the list of overlapped global title addresses. |
50135 - Translate Indicator must be \'DPCSSN\' when Sub System Number is specified | If the ssn parameter is specified, then the xlat=dpcssn parameter must be specified. |
50143 - RSP does not exist in the routing table | The value specified for the pc parameter must exist as a destination in the Route table or reside in a cluster that exists as a destination in the Route table (for global routing). |
50176 - Length of ENDADDRESS/EMAPADDR must be equal to length of STARTADDRESS/SMAPADDR | If the endAddress/emapaddr parameter is specified, then the values of the startAddress/smapaddr and endAddress/emapaddr parameters must be the same length. |
50176 - Exceeding max GTA Lengths supported per GTT SET (max={16}). |
Since the Support for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT feature is always turned on, up to 16 GTA/SADDR lengths can exist per GTT set. or The Support for 16 GTT Lengths in VGTT feature, then up to 16 GTA/SADDR lengths can exist per GTT set. |
50182 - Update of GTT Set is not allowed | gttsn (Gtt Set name) should not be edited. |
50183 - Update of GTA Start Address is not allowed | gta (start gta) should not be edited. |
50204 - RSP does not exist in specified MAPSET |
If a final GTT (the ri=ssn parameter is specified with the xlat=dpc parameter), then the PC (pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24/pcn16) must exist in the Remote Point Code/MAP table. or If a final GTT (the ri=ssn parameter is specified with the xlat=dpc parameter), then the PC must exist in the Remote Point Code/MAP table. |
xxxxx - ACN parameter is allowed with ITU TCAP PKGTYPE | If the acn parameter is specified, then a value of bgn, ituabort, ituuni, any, end, or cnt must be specified for the pkgtype parameter. |
xxxxx - Both FAMILY and OPCODE must be NONE if either is NONE | If the family and opcode parameters are specified in the command, then either both parameters must have a value of none or neither parameter can have a value of none. |
xxxxx - CCGT must be NO when the RI is set to GT | If the ri=gt parameter is specified, then the ccgt=no parameter must be specified. |
xxxxx - CDSSN param must be specified if GTTSN settype is CDSSN | If the GTT set specified by the gttsn parameter has a set type of cdssn (see the ent-gttset command), then the cdssn parameter must be specified. This parameter cannot be specified for GTT sets with other set types. |
xxxxx - CGPCx parm must be specified if GTTSN is type of CGPC |
If the GTTSN set type has a value of cgpc, the cgpc/cgpca/cgpci/cgpcn/cgpcn24 parameter must be specified. This parameter cannot be specified for other set types. or If the GTTSN set type has a value of cgpc, the cgpc parameter must be specified. This parameter cannot be specified for other set types. |
xxxxx - CGSSN cannot be specified with OPTSN/OPCSN/CGSELID |
If the cgssn parameter is specified, then the optsn, opcsn, and cgselid parameters cannot be specified. or If the cgssn parameter is specified, then the optsn and cgselid parameters cannot be specified. |
xxxxx - CGSSN/CDSSN range cannot overlap an existing range | The range specified by the cdssn/ecdssn and cgssn/ecgssn parameters cannot overlap a currently existing range for the specified GTT set. |
xxxxx - CGSSN parm must be specified if GTTSN is type of CGSSN | If the GTTSN set type has a value of cgssn, the cgssn parameter must be specified. The cgssn parameter cannot be specified for GTTSN of other types. |
xxxxx - DEFMAPVR is supported by MBR GTT settypes | The defmapvr parameter can be specified in the GTA command for the ITU opcode entry if the GTT set specified by the optsn parameter is of MBR type (IMSI/MSISDN). |
xxxxx - End value must be greater than or equal to a starting value | The value specified for the ecgssn or ecdssn parameter must be greater than the value specified for the cgssn or cdssn parameter. |
xxxxx - FAMILY parameter is allowed with ANSI TCAP PKGTYPE | If the family parameter is specified, then a value of ansiuni, qwp, qwop, resp, cwp, cwop, ansiabort, or any must be specified for the pkgtype parameter. |
xxxxx - GTA End Address must be greater than or equal to the value of the GTA Start Address | If the endAddress/emapaddr parameter is specified, then the value of the endAddress/emapaddr parameter must be greater than or equal to the value of the startAddress/smapaddr parameter. |
xxxxx - GTA parm must be specified if GTTSN is type of CDGTA/CGGTA | The GTA must be specified if the GTTSN set type has a value of cdgta or cggta. The GTA cannot be specified for other set types. |
xxxxx - GTT Action Set does not exist | The specified GTT Action Set must already exist in the database. |
xxxxx - GTTSET MBR Settypes Support ITU BGN/CNT/END Pkgtype | If the GTT set specified by the optsn parameter is of MBR type (IMSI/MSISDN) in the GTA command for the ITU opcode entry, then the package type specified via the pkgtype parameter must be ITU BGN/CNT/END. |
xxxxx - GTT Set specified by OPTSN/OPCSN does not exist | The GTT set specified by the optsn and opcsn (cgcnvsn is not supported by VSTP) parameter must match an existing GTT set. |
xxxxx - GTTSN set name must not be same as OPTSN set name | The same value cannot be specified for the gttsn and optsn parameters. |
xxxxx - Invalid parameter combination specified |
If the cgssn parameter is specified, then the ecdssn parameter cannot be specified. If the cdssn parameter is specified, then the ecgssn parameter cannot be specified. or If the xlat=none parameter is specified, then the ri, pc/pca/pci/pcn/pcn24/pcn16, force, ssn and ccgt parameters cannot be specified. or The specified GTT set must have a set type of opcode (see the ent-gttset command) before the opcode/acn/pkgtype or opcode/family/pkgtype parameters can be specified. The specified GTT set must have a set type of cdssn, cgssn, cdgta/cgta, opc, or cgpc before the cdssn, cgssn, gta, opc, or cgpc parameter, respectively, can be specified. or The acn and family parameters cannot be specified together in the command. or If the opc parameter is specified, then the startAddress/endAddress, (e)cgssn, (e)cdssn, and opcode parameters cannot be specified. |
xxxxx - OPCODE param must be specified if GTTSN settype is OPCODE | If the GTT set specified by the gttsn parameter has a set type of opcode (see the ent-gttset command), then the opcode/acn/pkgtype or opcode/family/pkgtype parameter must be specified. These parameters cannot be specified for GTT sets of any other set types. |
xxxxx - OPCODE, PKGTYPE, ACN/FAMILY must be specified together | The opcode, pkgtype, and family parameters must be specified together for ANSI TCAP translations. The opcode, pkgtype, and acn parameters must be specified together for ITU TCAP translations. |
xxxxx - OPCSN is valid with cdgta/cdssn/opcode GTTSN type | The GTT set specified by the gttsn parameter must have a set type of cdgta, opcode, or cdssn (see the ent-gttset command) before the opcsn parameter can be specified. |
xxxxx - OPCSN set domain must be the same as GTTSN set domain | The OPC set name domain must be the same as the GTTSN set domain. If the GTT set domain is ANSI, then the OPC set name domain must be ANSI. If the GTT set domain is ITU, then the OPC set name domain must be ITU. |
xxxxx - OPCx parm must be specified if GTTSN is type of OPC | The opc parameter must be specified if the GTTSN set type has a value of opc. These parameters cannot be specified for other set types. |
xxxxx - OPTSN and CGSELID/CDSELID are mutually exclusive | The cdselid, cgselid, and optsn parameters cannot be specified together in the command. If the GTT set has a set type of cdgta, cdssn, or opcode, then the opcsn parameter can be specified with one of the above parameters. |
xxxxx - OPTSN GTT set type is not compatible with GTTSN set type. |
If the GTTSN set has a set type of cdgta or cdssn, then the OPTSN set cannot have a set type of opc. If the GTTSN set has a set type of opcode, then the OPTSN set cannot have a set type of opc. If the GTTSN set has a set type of MBR (imsi/msisdn), then the OPTSN set type cannot have the same set type as GTTSN. If the OPTSN set has a set type of MBR (imsi/vmsisdn), then the GTTSET must have a set type of MBR (imsi/msisdn) or opcode. |
xxxxx - PKGTYPE abort requires ACN/FAMILY/OPCODE value none | If the pkgtype=ituabort parameter is specified, then a value of none must be specified for the acn and opcode parameters. |
xxxxx - Point code out of range | The cgpc, opc parameters must have a valid value within the range for each subfield. |
xxxxx - RI must be SSN when CCGT is YES | If the ccgt=yes parameter is specified, then the ri=ssn parameter must be specified. |
xxxxx - Set type of GTT Set Name doesn't match | The GTT set name specified by the opcsn parameter must have a set type of opc (see the ent-gttset command). |
xxxxx - SMAPADDR must be specified for MBR GTT settypes | The smapaddr parameter must be specified if the GTT set specified by the gttsn parameter is of MBR type (IMSI/MSISDN). |
xxxxx - STARTADDRESS/CGPC/OPC/CG-CDSSN/OPCODE/DPC/SMAPADDR are mutually xclusve | The cgpc, cgssn, gta, opc, cdssn, opcode, and smapaddr parameters cannot be specified together in the command. |
xxxxx - STARTADDRESS/CGPC/OPC/CGSSN/CDSSN/OPCODE/DPC/SMAPADDR must be specified | The startAddress, cgpc, opc, cgssn, cdssn, opcode/acn/pkgtype, opcode/family/pkgtype or smapaddr parameter must be specified. |
xxxxx - Translation entry already exists | The translation entry specified by the cgpc, opcode, opc parameters cannot already exist. |
SQL error: Database Operation Failed |
Failure while reading GTT Action Set Table. or The GTT Set table is corrupt or cannot be found. or The GTA table is corrupt or cannot be found. or The Route table is corrupt or cannot be found. or The MRN table is corrupt or cannot be found. or The MAP table is corrupt or cannot be found. |
GTT Sets
Resource GTT Sets (/vstp/gttsets).
A GTT set consists of a GTT set name, the domain of the point codes used in the translation. After the GTT set is provisioned, you can enter subsequent GTT Selectors and GTAs. It is a collection of GTAs which are searched during GTT routing.
Table 6-5 GTT Sets Errors
Error Code Number | Description |
003 - Field value must be unique | The gttsn parameter must be specified and must not match an existing gttsn. |
071 - Operation Failed, the entry no longer exists. |
The gttsn parameter must be specified and must match an existing GTT set. or The value specified for the gttsn parameter must match the name of an existing GTT Set. |
50098 - Maximum number of GTT Set within this site have already been configured (max={2000}) | The GTT Set table cannot contain more than 2000 entries. |
50100 - Delete Failed. Selected GTT Set is assoicated with GTAs | The GTT set cannot be deleted if it is referenced in the GTTSEL or GTA tables. |
50101 - Delete Failed. Selected GTT Set is associated with GTT Selectors | The GTT set cannot be deleted if it is referenced by npsn. |
50238 - GTT settype and NPSN settype should be of MBR settypes | The GTT set type of the GTT set entry and the set type of associated NPSN parameter should be of MBR (IMSI/MSISDN) set types. |
50239 - NPSN SETTYPE should be different from GTT SETTYPE | The GTT set type of the GTT set entry referred to by the NPSN parameter should be different from the GTT set type referred to by the GTTSN parameter. |
50240 - NPSN not configured under GTTSET | The value specified for the NPSN parameter must be an existing GTT set of MBR (IMSI/MSISDN) set types. |
50241 - GTTSET and NPSN set domain mismatch | The GTTSET domain and associated NPSN set domain must match. |
50242 - GTT Set does not exist | The specified GTT Set name must already exist in the database. |
50243 - GTT Set already referenced in GTTSELECTOR/GTA/GTTSET. Domain/Type cannot be changed | If GTT Set is referenced in GTT Selector or GTA or in NPSN parameter of GTT Set, then user is not allowed to update domain and settype. In this case, only npsn parameter can be changed. |
50244 - GTT Set already referenced in GTTSET as NPSN | |
xxxxx - GTTSN and NPSN must not form Circular Entries | The GTT set specified by the gttsn parameter must not be associated with the GTT set referred by the NPSN parameter. |
SQL error: Database Operation Failed | The GTT Set table must be accessible. |
Link Sets
Resource GTT Link Sets (/vstp/linksets).
A Link Set is a logical element representing link attributes assigned to a link and a far end-point assigned to a Route.
Table 6-6 Link Sets Errors
Error Code Number | Description |
AS Notification: {ERR_ONT_002} | The ipsg=yes and adapter=m3ua parameters must be specified before the asnotif parameter can be specified. |
Link TPS: {ERR_ONT_002} |
The value specified for the slktps/rsvdslktps and maxslktps parameters must be within the allowed range. slktps/rsvdslktps maxslktps |
Link Name: {ERR_ONT_003} | The specified linkset name cannot already exist in the database. |
50068 - Maximum number of Link Set within this site have already been configured (max={max}) | The maximum number of linksets that can be defined in the system is 1024. |
50072 - Delete Failed: This Link Set is associated with Link | The linkset can be removed only if all links associated with the linkset have been removed. |
50073 - Delete Failed: This Link Set is associated with Route | If the linkset is referenced by the historic routeset of any destination, then this command cannot be entered. |
50075 - Point code already in use in Local Signaling Point={name} |
The specified adjacent point code cannot be the same as the self-ID destination point code of the STP. or The adjacent point code cannot match the site point code. |
50086 - ITU Transfer Restricted can only be configued for ITUN linksets | The itutfr parameter is valid only for ITU linksets. |
50093 - Link Set type cannot be updated when current Link Set is referenced by any Link | If the IPSG linkset contains links, then the adapter parameter cannot be specified. |
50161 - Remote Signaling Point must be unique for Link Sets |
The specified adjacent point code cannot be assigned to any other linkset. or The value of the apc/apca/apci/apcn/apcn24/apcn16 or sapc/sapca/sapci/sapcn/sapcn24 parameter cannot be assigned to more than one linkset. or The apc/apca/apci/apcn/apcn24 or sapc/sapca/sapci/sapcn/sapcn24 parameter can be defined only once per linkset. |
50214 - Routing context can only be configured for M3UA linksets | The ipsg=yes and the adapter=m3ua parameters must be specified before the rcontext parameter can be specified. |
50215 - Could not locate adapter type | The adapter type specified must be either m3ua or m2pa. |
50246 - Could not locate adapter type | The adapter type specified must be either m3ua or m2pa. |
50247 - Linkset referenced by GTT selector table | If the linkset is referenced by the GTT selector table, then this command cannot be entered. |
HTTP/1.1 404 Not Found Item does not exist |
The specified linkset must be in the database. |
LinkSet: {ERR_OPR_FAILED_NO_ENTRY} | The linkset name must be in the database. |
SCCP Options
Resource SCCP Options (/vstp/sccpoptions).
SCCP Options are those configuration values that govern the overall SCCP functionality.
Table 6-7 SCCP Options Errors
Error Code Number | Description |
50177 - Transaction Based GTT Load Sharing Feature not enabled | The Transaction-based GTT Loadsharing feature must be enabled before the tgtt0, tgtt1, tgttudtkey, or tgttxudkey parameters can be specified. |