3 Guest Detail Overview

The Guest Detail Overview screen is the main screen of the Advance Quick Check In (AQCI) module. This screen not only enables you to search for an account, it also displays the passenger’s information in different tabs.

Account Search

Figure 3-1 Account Search Function

This figure shows the Account Search function.

Table 3-1 Field Definition of Account Search

Field Name Description

Search Criteria

Same Partial Name

Searches for names containing characters entered in the field.

Same Name

Searches names matching the name.

Name List

Displays names in listing.

Same Cabin

Searches passengers in the same cabin.

Cabin List

Displays cabins by list.

Same Booking Number

Searches reservation matching the booking numbers entered.

Same Group

Searches for passengers in the same group entered.

Same Routing

Searches for passengers in the same routing entered.

Account ID

Search for matching account ID entered.

Account Type


Search for record type categorized as Guest.


Search for record type categorized as Crew.


Search for record type categorized as Visitor.


Search for record in any above category.

Reservation Status


Filter for Reserved bookings (Expected).

Check In

Filter for all booking that has check in.


Filter result for all booking type.


Filter for all check-out reservations.

  1. At the Account Search section, select one of the following criteria from the drop-down list to search for an account.

  2. At Embark Date, select the required embarkation date using the date editor.

  3. Click Search to get search results.

Adding/Updating New Personal Details

To add/update the passenger personal details:

  1. Repeat steps 1 – 3 of Account Search.

  2. Update the relevant fields within the tab and/or other tabs such as Additional Details, Addresses, Documents and Travel Documents.

  3. Check the applicable check boxes, if any, and click Save at the ribbon bar to save the details.

Table 3-2 Personal Details Tab

Field Name Description


Salutation of contact person.


Given Title of contact person.


Forename of contact person.

Middle Initial

Middle Initial of contact person.

Birth Nation

Birth Place of contact person.


Surname of contact person.

Other First Name

Other First Name of the contact person.

Other Name

Other Name of the contact person. For example: could be the name in Chinese characters).


Male, Female or Non-Binary.

Marital Status

Marital Status of contact person: ‘D’ Divorced, ‘M’ Married, ‘N’ Newly Wed or ‘S’ Single.


Birthdate of contact person.

Birth Place

Birthplace of contact person.


Nationality of contact person.

National ID

National ID number of contact person.


Profession of contact person.


Email Address of contact person.


Phone number of contact person.

Table 3-3 Passport Details Field Definition

Field Name Description

Passport No

Passport number of contact person.

Issue Date

Issue Date of Passport.

Issue Place

Issue Place of Passport.

Issue Country

Country that issued the passport.

Exp Date

Passport Expiry Date.

Table 3-4 Credit Card Details Field Definition

Field Name Description

Card No

Credit card number of contact person.

Card Name

Credit card name of contact person.

Exp Date

Credit card Expiry date.

Card Type

Type of Credit card.


Dynamic Currency Conversion exchange rate.

Last Four CC Dig

Credit Card Last Four Digit.

Table 3-5 Address Details Field Definition

Field Name Description

Address 1

Address of Contact Person.

Address 2

Address of Contact Person.


Street Address of Contact Person.


City Address of Contact Person.

Zip/Postal Code

Zip / Postal Code Address of Contact Person.


Country of Contact Person.


State / Province of Contact Person.

State/ Province

State / Province of Contact Person (in US) if user selects the US as the first State / Province.

Table 3-6 Reservation Details Field Definition

Field Name Description

Other BCard No

Other Board Card Number.

Onboard Card Number

On-Board Card Number.

Shore-G. ID

Shore-G Number.

Res Status

Reservation Status.

Embark Date

Embarkation Date.

Embark Port

Embarkation Port.

Disembark Date

Disembarkation Date.

Disembark Port

Disembarkation Port.

VIP Status

Any VIP Status.

Guest Type

Type of Guest.


Cabin number.


Shore Reservation number.

Ticket No

Ticket Number.

Insurance Desc

Description of Insurance.

Insurance No

Insurance Number.


Guest, Crew, Visitor, Staff, or Resident.

Table 3-7 Additional Details Tab Field Definition

Field Name Description

Cruise Days

Number of cruise days.

No. of Cruises

Number of Cruises.

Group No

Grouping by ID and Description.


Classification/VIP flag.

PPD Type

Regular Crew, Regular Staff or Service Staff.

Queue ID

Queue Identification Number.

Handicap 01 Code

Handicap Code: ‘01’ Mentally Challenged, ‘02’ End of Cruise (Dependent need accompanies) , ‘BL’ Blind , ‘HA’ Handicapped or ‘WH’ Wheelchair.

Handicap 01 Note

Handicap remarks.

Other Name

Other name of guest.

Cruise Fare Code

Code for Cruise Fare.

Cruise Full Fare

Cruise Full Fare.

Cruise Fare

Cruise Fare.

Cruise Fare Balance

Balance of Cruise Fare.

Award Level

Frequent Cruiser Award Level.

Frequent No@

Royality number.

Ceia No

Card Reader Frequency ID Number.

Ship Email

Ship’s Email Address.

Disc Template

‘LV1’ Disc Template 1 - 10%, ‘LV2’ Disc Template 2 - 15% or ‘LV3’ Discount Template 3 - 100%.

Document Checked

Confirms Travel document is verified at check in.

Completed Online Form

Confirms passenger completed the Online Survey form.

Document Collected

Confirms Travel Document has been collected.

Exclude From Quick Billing Printing

Passenger is excluded from Quick Billing printing.

Table 3-8 Emergency Contact Details Field Definition

Field Name Description


Name for Emergency Contact.


Relationship of Emergency Contact.


Address of Emergency Contact.


Street of Emergency Contact.


Zip number of Emergency Contact.


City of Emergency Contact.


State of Emergency Contact.


Country of Emergency Contact.


Phone number of Emergency Contact.

Mobile Phone

Mobile phone number of Emergency Contact.


Email of Emergency Contact.

Table 3-9 Temporary Address Details Field Definition

Field Name Description

Address 1

Temporary Address of Emergency Contact.

Address 2

Temporary Address of Emergency Contact.


Street of Emergency Contact.


Zip number of Emergency Contact.


State of Temporary Emergency Contact (In US).


State of Temporary Emergency Contact.


Phone number of Temporary Emergency Contact.


Email of Temporary Emergency Contact.

Table 3-10 Documents Tab Field Definition

Field Name Description

Doc Type

Type of Document.

Doc No

Document Number.

Issue Place

Place of Issue of Document.

Issue Country

Country of Issue of Document.

Issue Date

Date of Issued of Document.

Exp Date

Expiry Date of Document.

Visa Type

Type of Visa of Document.

Table 3-11 Travel Document Tab Field Definition

Field Name Description

Document Type

Type of Document.

Document Name

Name of Document .

Document Number

Document Number.

Document Issue Date

Issue Date of Document.

Document Expiry Date

Expiry Date of Document.

Document Issue Country

Document Issue Country.

Document Issue Place

Expiry Date of Document.

First Name

First Name of Passport Holder.

Last Name

Last Name of Passport Holder.


Birth date of Passport Holder.


Machine Readable Track 1 Info.


Machine Readable Track 2 Info.


Machine Readable Track 3 Info.

Number of Entries

Number of Entries of the Passport.

Valid From

Passport Validity Effective Date.

Allow Duration of Stay

Number of Days Allowed To Stay.

Notice and Consent

Mandatory field. Indicates passenger accept and agrees to the Notice and Consent Terms.