3 Parameters

This section describes the Parameters available to the Maintenance module. They are accessible in the Administration module under System Setup, Parameter. Changing these parameters alters the program behavior. Consult Oracle Customer Support for further clarification if you are unsure of the definition.

Table 3-1 PAR Group — Maintenance

PAR Name Description

Allow Modify Work Order Date Time

Enable modification of work order date/time.

0 = Do not allow

1 = Allowed to modify work order reported date time

Default Tab for Work Overview

Define the default tab to show.

0 = All

1 = Done

2 = Not Started

3 = In Progress

Hide Work Order Request No

Define Work Order Request No to be shown in Work Order Window.

0 = To show on window

1 = To hide from window

Maximum picture size allow

Specify the maximum picture size allowed

Print By Task

Enable Printing by Task.

0 = No print maintenance task

1 = Print