4 Single Person View

You can perform a registration/un-registration of the passenger by swiping the board card through a card reader, or by manually registering them by tapping the REGISTER?/UNREGISTER? button. Registration of the passenger is only permissible to the muster station you are logged in. Otherwise, you must manually change to the right muster station before registering the passenger. However, the registration mode may defer, depending on the parameter setting - Mobile, Current General Assembly Handling Mode with below possibilities:

  • Register all unexpected persons to the current muster station.

  • Prompt and allow the commander to decide whether or not to register the unexpected person on current muster station. The correct muster station/ lifeboat will be shown in red.

Forbid registration of unexpected person on the current muster station. In this case, the commander should not register the unexpected person on current muster station/ lifeboat. The correct muster station/ lifeboat is shown in red.

Figure 4-1 Person’s Profile Pending Registration

This figures shows the Profile Screen of passenger yet to register.

Figure 4-2 Person’s Profile Screen- Registered Status

This figure shows the Profile Screen of registered passenger.

Table 4-1 Single Passenger View Field Description

Field Name Description


Profile name.


Profile picture.

Cabin / Gender

Passenger Cabin number and gender.


Registration Status – Registered, Pending Registration.

Pax Class

The passenger classification linked to RES.RES_PAXCLASS. For example:

S = Senior, A = Adult, C = Child, I = Infant, J = Junior.

Muster Station

The Muster Station assigned.

Date & Time

The Date/Time of the registration.


Encrypted passport number of selected passenger . Linked to UXP.UXP_H_PASSNO.


The passenger type linked to RES.RES_TAG, for example P= Passenger, C= Crew and V = Visitor.

DOB & Age

Date of Birth and age of the selected profile. Linked to UXP.UXP_H_BIRTH.

Emergency Function

The Emergency function assigned to Crew. Linked to ORG_FUNCTION and ORG_FUNCTION_DESC.

Special Need Code

The Special Need code(s) assigned to the reservation. Linked to RES.RES_HANDICAPCODE.