1 Features and Updates

The content below is a list of features and updates for the Oracle Hospitality Cruise Shipboard Property Management System (SPMS) 20.3 release.


SPMS Encryption Key

  • Added a new warning message with resolution steps to resolve the SPMS Encryption key when the key is found to be invalid during login.

The following controls have been upgraded to meet compliance standards.

  • Spring Boot version 2.6.1 to 2.7.0 with latest Java framework.

  • Apache Tomcat upgraded from version 9.0.55 to 9.0.63.

  • Newtonsoft.Json upgraded from 12.02 to 13.0.1.

OHC Crew / OHC Management

  • Quick Billing Function.

    • Ability to check outstanding folio balance when performing the close posting process.

    • Ability to support negative value in the search criteria.

  • Quick Posting Function.

    • Additional search criteria on the invoice balance filter.

OHC Excursion

Increased the Excursion comment field to 200 characters.


Added a new credit card refund linked to RRN functionality that enables the payment vendor to track the settlement the refunded amount is linked to. This feature is controlled by ‘Credit Card Refund’ parameter and changes the visibility of the Refund button in the Tab Invoice. Applicable to OPI users.

Property Management System

General Errors Handling

Improved the user interface (UI) and experience by providing a concise and clear description of the error encountered such as API services is down, network connection issues, permission declined, sessions timed out and others.

Combined Oracle Cruise Check In and Administration into Cruise Shipboard Property Management System

Homogenizes the Oracle Cruise Check In and Administration applications into the Cruise Shipboard Property Management System to provide a single login and URL access to the application.

All functionalities in both the applications are available and accessible from the Cruise Shipboard Property Management System application.

Login Page

Improved the login page and enforced user name and password fields as mandatory when logging in to the application. The system will prompt an error ‘Invalid login. Please try again’ if the information entered is invalid and the user account will be locked for 30 minutes once it exceeds the number of retries.

Enhanced the Header section to display the following information:
  • Application name.

  • Company name and Ship name.

  • Photo of logged on user, showing the full name and user-assigned ship name when clicked.

  • Sign Out option to log out from the application.

  • Improved the Drawer option to include the following options in the Navigation menu:

    • Dashboard

    • Guest Handling

    • Guest Check-In

    • Gateway Security

    • Credit Card Terminal

    • Administration

  • Display of Copyrights disclaimer in the Footer section.


Redesigned the Dashboard to a tab view to allow quick access to key information related to the Check-In and Gangway movement. The tabs consisting of:
  • Check-In

    • Summary of checked-in guest.

    • Summary of pending check-in guest.

    • Summary of VIP guest.

    • Summary of onboard visitors.

  • Gateway Security

    • Summary of total guest and crew.

    • Summary of total onboard guest, crew and visitor.

    • Summary of total ashore guest and crew.

    • Summary of total on overnight tour count.

    • Summary of total disembarking.

Guest Handling

Implemented the Guest Handling function that provides the ability to search and view the guest’s reservation by profile type if the ‘Use Resident’ parameter is enabled and reservation status. Users can perform a manual search or by scanning either the barcode, RFID and passport.

This function also includes the Actions Drawer option that provide a quick access to other options, based on the reservation from the search results, management of reservation, profile, amenity and special requests, guardian assignments and travel rules.

Guest Check-In

  • Enhanced the Guest Check-In module to support guest look-up using barcode scanning.

  • Implemented Travel Document Rules function that enables the user to define and preassigned the travel rules to specific travel document types, and notify when the required information is not presented during check-in.

Gateway Security

Enhanced the Gateway Security to include:

  • Ability to check-in single or multiple guests via the Gateway Security – Gangway and Tender module.

    • Display the guest reservation status in the Check-In messages to be able to see the current reservation status for single guest check-in.

  • Included the reservations status Expected and Expected Today to be allowed in the gangway movement activity.

  • Adding the summary count to the gangway movement page and provides a summary view of the Total Embark Today, Onboard, Ashore, Overnight Tour, Leaving Today and Disembarked Count.

  • Ability to exclude the search for the profile type Resident at the Gangway module with the ‘Use Resident’ parameter.

  • Enhanced ‘Ashore Denied’ validation on disembarking guest, crew and visitor that has an opening balance and those who has not collected their travel documents.


Enhanced Administration module to cater for:
  • Creation of travel documents fields and rules.

  • Deletion of Gate Location that does not have transaction history.


The natural orientation of the camera on MICROS 721 device is landscape orientation.

Developed API

Below are the new API’s included in this release. See RESTAPI Specification for more information.

  • Administration module

    • Account Category

    • Address State Code

    • Amenities Code

    • Crew Operation Divisions

    • Discount Template

    • Excursion Bookable Tour

    • Gate Location

    • Guest Category

    • Life Boat

    • Marital Status

    • Package Plan

    • Special Request Action Code

    • Travel Document Fields

    • Travel Documents

    • VIP Code

  • Guest Handling module

    • Amenities Handling

    • Guardian Assignment

    • Guest Profile

    • Other Travel Documents

    • Posting Allowed Status

    • Profile Address — Billing

    • Profile Address — Emergency

    • Profile Address — Home

    • Profile Address — Temporary

    • Special Request Handling

    • Travel Document Rules Validation

  • Gateway Security — Gangway module

    • Gangway Validation

      • Add Disembark Validation

      • Check Open Balance

      • Check Auto Quick Balance

      • Check Document Returned

      • Check Document Collected

    • Profile Statistics

    • Travelling With