4 Calculation Workflow

The Service Charge has multiple calculation methods for HBSC distribution to onboard crew members. The following are the processes:
  • Get Service Charge Posting

  • Distribute to Pool (mid cruise repatriation calculation)

  • Distribute to Pool (full voyage calculation)

  • Distribute to Eligible Crew in mid cruise repatriation

  • Distribute to Eligible Crew in full voyage

  • Roll Over Calculation

All calculation processes calculate each service charge pool daily. The program accumulates the daily distribution amount of the entire voyage and is shown in the Service Charge Dashboard.

Get Service Charge Posting

  1. At the beginning of the calculation process, the program obtains the cruise date range of the selected voyage.

  2. It then obtains the dates between the voyage start date (SCR_A_DATE) and the voyage end date (SCR_E_DATE). The system takes the SPMS system date as the end date if the cruise has not yet ended.

  3. The daily posting is obtained based on conditions defined in the Pool Calculation and below validations:

    1. Check closed by eligible crew position or MICROS employee.

    2. Posting from eligible department.

The setup refers to Pool Calculation, Distribution Type by SPMS Operational Position, or MICROS Employee, and Eligible Department. For more information, see Pool Calculation.

Distribute to Pool

Distribute to Pool (with Mid Voyage Repatriation Calculation)

Before distributing the service charge posting to the respective HBSC pool, the program first checks whether the pool has any eligible crew repatriating in mid cruise. This is ascertained by comparing the crew service charge eligible date with the posting date.

  • The eligible crew in the respective pool refers to Pool Distribution setup, Distribute to selected Operational Positions.

  • The program collects the posting amount based on the percentage defined in the Eligible Department in Pool Calculation setup. If the pool has mid cruise crew repatriating, the amount again deducts the percentage defined in the Hotel Bar Svc Chg, Mid Cruise Breakage parameter.

  • Below is the formula to calculate the mid cruise repatriation when Apply Breakage to Mid Cruise Repat is checked in the Pool Calculation setup.

    Total HSC Posting x (100% - 2% - 0.75%) x (100 – 10%)2 = credit card fees; 0.75 = provision fees; 10 = Mid cruise breakage

  • The pool calculation includes the:
    • Roll over amount

    • Manual Adjustment

  • After the mid cruise repatriation calculation, the amount is distributed to the respective pool by the percentage specified. This setup refers to Pool Calculation, Distribution Type = By Percentage, Percentage of selected Pool Type.

  • The crew member gets the distribution amount when the eligible date is within the voyage period.

Distribute to Pool (with End Cruise Calculation)

  • The program collects the posting amount based on the percentage defined in Eligible Department (Pool Calculation setup, Eligible Department).

  • The pool calculation includes:
    • Mid cruise repatriation point

    • Roll over amount

    • Manual Adjustment

  • The crew member gets the distribution amount when the eligible date is within the voyage period.

Get Total Point Day

  • The Hotel and Bar Service Charge distribution is calculated using a points system. The program calculates the total point per day from selected Operational Positions in respective pool.

  • The selected Operational Positions points refers to Pool Distribution setup, Selected Operational Position. The program takes the default point if override point is not define.

Distribute to Mid Cruise Repatriation Crew

  • The respective pool amount is distributed to eligible crew accordingly.

  • For mid cruise repatriation, the Per Point Value derives from the amount collected after deducting the percentage of mid cruise breakage (refer to calculation at Distribute to Poll (with mid cruise repatriation calculation) divided by the total point day.

  • It then sums up the point value from various pool types calculations, such as Common Pool amount collected from Bartender type, Individual Sales type, Room Service type and Service Charges type.

  • The Per Point Value is then used to multiply the individual crew point value to obtain the distribution amount.

Distribute to End Cruise

  • If there is no crew disembarking during the cruise, the calculation process in the Service Charge module should only run once at the end of the cruise.

  • Before calculating the normal cruise distribution, the program verifies if the pool has mid cruise crew repatriation. If Yes, the pool amount deducts the total mid cruise distribution amount to obtain the net amount for per point value calculation.

Service Charge Payout in Payroll

  • For mid cruise repatriation crew member, the payout of service charge or premium pay is perform in the Payroll module.

  • After a payout, any service charge adjustment will not affect the existing payout crew member.

  • For non-mid cruise repatriation on a voyage that is closed, payout of service charge or premium pay is perform in the Payroll module. The Service Charge module do not allow a re-calculation of the collection. A message “Cannot calculate the total as amount for this voyage have already been payout through payroll” is prompted.