5 Generating Request File

The EES Request File page allows you to view previously generated request files, and an option to create a new request file for submission to the EES system for guest manifest verification.

Figure 5-1 EES Request File Page

This figure shows the EES Request File menu and page

In the EES Request File page, all the records of previously generated EES request files are shown. You can search a record using one of the search filters - cruise itinerary, embarkation harbor and request file status.

In each of the request records, you can delete, re-generate and view based on the Request File status - Pending, Completed and Deleted.

  • View: Applicable for status Pending, Deleted and Completed

  • Re-generate: Only applicable for status that is Pending

  • Delete: Only applicable for status that is Pending

Creating Request File

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Entry/Exit System then the EES Request File.

  2. Select Create button to open the Create Request File page.

  3. At the Create Request File screen, the guest manifest listing will populate based on below selection criteria:

    • Cruise Itinerary: Current or future cruise itinerary record

    • Embarkation Harbor: The embarkation port with arrival date based on the selected Cruise Itinerary

  4. Upon selecting the above criteria, the system auto fills the Embarkation Date, Disembarkation Date, Disembarkation Harbor and Disembarkation Time. Modification on these fields is not allowed as it is based on the selected Embarkation Harbor.

  5. Select the Process button and the system will retrieve listing of the guest manifest records that meet the selected criteria. The record shown would only consist of checked in reservation status and the actual embarkation date that matches the embarkation harbor date.

  6. You can also search the guest record by entering these keywords: a surname, given name, stateroom number or folio number.

  7. A guest data is deemed as an error and highlighted in red if the guest data is missing the following information - Folio number, Surname, Given Name, Date of Birth, Sex, Nationality, Travel Document Type, Travel Document Number, Travel Document Expiry Date and Travel Document Issued Country.

  8. The Generate option is disabled if the loaded manifest guest data list has an error. You need to correct all the erroneous guest data in SPMS Legacy, and then refresh the guest manifest by selecting the Process button. If there’s no error in the reloaded guest data, the Generate button become enabled. You can also enable the button by deleting the erroneous data from the manifest, and then selecting the Ellipsis button followed by the Delete button.

  9. Select the Generate button to generate the csv file. The filename format is ‘EESReqYYMMDDHHMM00’, in which the YYMMDDHHMM00 is appended after the generated Request File ID “EESReq”.

  10. The generated EES request file is saved into the user defined browser download location.

Deleting Request File

  1. On the EES Request File Listing page, select the request file record to delete and then the Ellipsis button.

  2. Select Delete button. At the confirmation message ‘Delete EES request?’, selecting Cancel will close the dialog box and Delete will flag the request file as Deleted.

  3. Once the Request File is flagged as deleted, the guest manifest in this Request File is auto flagged as deleted too. To regenerate, see topic Create EES Request File.

  4. Deleting a Completed or Deleted status request file is not permissible.

Viewing Request File

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Entry/Exit System and then EES Request File.

  2. On the EES Request File Listing page, select the request file record and then the Ellipsis button.

  3. Select View button to open View Request File page.

  4. There are two sections on this page:

    • Cruise Itinerary: Section shows the cruise itinerary details, request file ID and request file status

    • Request File Record(s): Section shows the guest details records

Re-generating Request File

The Re-generate File option re-create the same EES Request File with the exact data from the selected File ID. This option is only available when the EES request file status is pending, and disabled if the status is completed or deleted.

  1. From the Navigation Menu, select Entry/Exit System and then EES Request File.

  2. On the EES Request File Listing page, select the request file record and then the Ellipsis button.

  3. Select Re-generate to open the View Request File page and then the Re-generate File button to proceed.