Searching and Finding: Search Option

The Search option lets you search specific elements of a business process (BP), BP log, sheet, picker, and so on. Upon clicking the Search icon ( ) in the toolbar menu of a BP, BP log, sheet, or a picker, the Search window is displayed. You can move the window around the right pane in a horizontal or a vertical motion depending on if the window is docked at the bottom or to the right. The Dock Right/Dock Bottom option allows you to adjust the positioning of the window.

This Search window contains advanced search features that change depending on the function that you are working in. Unlike the Find window in Classic View, the Search window does not have a Save option that allows you to save your search. When you modify the previous search fields, you can click the Apply option to save those modifications. The Clear option resets the search fields back to their default values.

Similar to the previous Find window, the search fields often contain changeable operators, like “contains” or “equals,” which you can use to further specify the items you want to see.

Like Classic View, some of the search fields contain Select drop-down lists where you can choose from a list of values. Some of these lists allow you to select multiple values as you click the items. If you select multiple values, then the search will contain results that match any or all of the values that you selected.

If you are searching a BP log, you can also use the wildcard characters percent (%) and underscore (_) to refine your search. The percent character represents any number of characters, including letters, spaces, numbers and so on; the search returns all results that contain the search string. The underscore character represents one character.

Last Published Thursday, January 4, 2024