User Guides

Use these P6 Professional documents to learn how to use P6 Professional and its supporting components.

Client System Requirements

Learn about the configurations, including browsers, that we've tested and verified to work on your desktop, laptop, or mobile device.


P6 Professional

Plan, set up, and manage projects in a multiuser environment.


P6 Professional Help

Plan, set up, and manage projects in a multiuser environment. This help is more comprehensive than the user guide. It is also available directly from the application.

English Help


French Help (version 23)


German Help (version 23)


Japanese Help (version 23)


Chinese Help (version 23)


P6 Visualizer Help

Create customizable Gantt charts and Timescaled Logic Diagrams. This help system is also available directly from the application.


Downloadable P6 Professional Help

To install P6 Professional Help locally, download the P6 Pro Help zip file. Then read the included readme for information on deploying the help war file.

Downloadable P6 Visualizer Help

To install P6 Visualizer Help locally, download the P6 Pro Help zip file. Then read the included readme for information on deploying the help war file.

What's New

Use the Cumulative Feature Overview (CFO) to see a list of changes we've made between releases.

To use the CFO offline, download the CFO zip file. Unzip the file to a local folder and open EPPM_CFO.html.

Last Published Thursday, July 11, 2024