Using the Authentication Tab in the Primavera P6 Administrator

Use the Authentication tab in the Primavera P6 Administrator to select an authentication mode and configure LDAP servers.

Caution: Ensure that all users are logged out of P6 Professional to avoid a reset of the Primavera P6 Administrator settings.

Note: Verify which global profile is set as the default since this will be assigned to all provisioned users.

To configure the Authentication mode as Native:

  1. Log in to the Primavera P6 Administrator.
    1. Navigate to the folder where you installed P6 Professional API.
    2. Run the admin.cmd file.
  2. From the Authentication tab:
    1. Fill in the appropriate settings under the Authentication folder, and make sure that Login Mode is set to NATIVE.
    2. Fill in the appropriate settings under the Database instance, and make sure that Authentication Mode is set to NATIVE.
    3. Click Save Changes.

To configure the Authentication mode as LDAP:

  1. Log in to the Primavera P6 Administrator.
    1. Navigate to the folder where you installed P6 Professional API
    2. Run the admin.cmd file.
  2. From the Authentication tab:
    1. Expand your configuration.
    2. Change Login Mode to LDAP.
    3. Expand Database instance and set Authentication Mode to LDAP.
    4. Expand LDAP Connection Settings[n].
      1. In the Host field, enter the host name of your LDAP server.
      2. In the Port field, enter the port number of your LDAP server.
      3. In the Username field, enter the LDAP user name that has privileges to log into the LDAP server and perform LDAP searches.
      4. In the Password field, enter the password for the user name you entered above.
      5. In the Enable SSL field, choose true if you are using SSL or false if you are not using SSL.
      6. In the Chase Referrals field, choose true to enable chase referrals or false to disable them.
      7. In the Base Directory Node field, enter the base dn string that represents where LDAP tree should search during login or provisioning.


        dc=ad, dc=Marketing, dc=CompanyABC, dc=com

      8. In the Preferred Pool Size field, enter the preferred pool size. The default is 10.
      9. In the Maximum Pool Size field, enter the maximum pool size. The default is 20.
      10. In the Connection Timeout (in seconds) field, enter how long (in seconds) the system should try to connect to the LDAP before timing out. The default is 300.
      11. Expand Field Map.

        Note: Except where noted, these settings represent what you will enter for an Oracle Internet Directory (OID) LDAP server and a Microsoft Active Directory.

      12. In the USER_NAME field, enter the LDAP field name that holds the user's login ID.




        samaccountname (for Microsoft Active Directory)

      13. In the EMAIL_ADDR field, enter the LDAP field name that holds the user's email address.



      14. In the ACTUAL_NAME field, enter the LDAP field name that holds the user's full name.




        displayname (for Microsoft Active Directory)

      15. In the OFFICE_PHONE field, enter the LDAP field name that holds the user's phone number.



    5. Right-click the LDAP Connection Settings folder and select Test Connection.
    6. Click Save Changes.

See Also

Authentication Modes

Supported Authentication Modes

Implementing Non-Native Authentication

Choosing an Authentication Scheme

Configuring P6 Professional API Authentication

Login Procedures and Authentication in P6 Professional

Last Published Tuesday, November 28, 2023