DS04 Schedule

Note: Relationships to activities outside the set of projects being exported are represented by relationships to placeholder tasks with a subtype of SVT.

CPP Field Name

CPP Field Description

P6 Source


Project Assessment and Reporting System identifier for the project submitted.

Entered in the template.


Contractor "as-of" date.

Entered in the template.


The JSON schema for this object.

Visible in the template. Not editable.


Revision number for export.

Entered in the template.


Describes whether the schedule is a baseline (BL) or forecast (FC).

Project type (baseline or project).


Task identifier.

Activity ID


Describes whether the task is an activity (A) or milestone (M).

Activity Type

Task dependent, resource dependent, level of effort, and WBS summary activities are assigned the type A.
Start milestones and finish milestones are assigned the type M.


Unique task description. This description should include a verb.

This field is mandatory.

Mapped in the template.


Task subtype selection. Restricted to: "SVT", "ZBA", or null.

SVT is a schedule visibility activity and is used to characterize potential impacts to the logic-driven network. Tasks of subtype SVT can be activities or milestones, but should not be performance management baseline activities, nor should they be resource loaded. The EVT (earned value technique) for SVT tasks defaults to level of effort.

ZBA is a zero budget activity and is used for fixed-price procurements. Tasks of subtype ZBA should be used on a limited basis and should not be resource loaded. The task_description for a ZBA activity must be prefixed with "Payment Milestone\". The EVT (earned value technique) for ZBA tasks defaults to level of effort.

Mapped in the template.


Milestone level selection for tasks of DS04.type M, that identify key milestones, deliverables, and control point dates.

The schedule should include exactly one task with a milestone level of either 170 or 175 to signify the end of the project.

Restricted to the values described in Milestone Level Descriptions.

Mapped in the template.


A verb-based description of the milestone.

Mapped in the template.


Work package (WP) or planning package (PP) WBS identifier.

This field is mandatory.

Mapped in the template.


Justification narrative for situations where the WBS_ID is not WP or PP.

Mapped in the template.


Control account manager name in the format:

<Last Name> <First Name> <Optional Middle Initial>

Characters allowed are A-Z (Upper and lower case, latin characters only), 0-9, apostrophe, hyphen, and underscore.

This field is mandatory.

Mapped in the template.


The earned value technique used. Milestones should have have EVT set to NA. If the EVT is coded as H, J, L, M, N, O, or P, provide an explanation in DS04.justification_EVT.

Restricted to the values described in EVT Selection Descriptions.

Mapped in the template.


Justification narrative where DS04.EVT is H, J, L, M, N, O, or P.

Mapped in the template.


The task ID to which EVT is apportioned, if EVT is J.

Mapped in the template.


The percent of EVT apportioned, if apportioned from a different task. The value should be between 0.00 and 1.00.

Mapped in the template.


Early start date.

Early Start


Early finish date.

Early Finish


Late start date.

Late Start


Late finish date.

Late Finish


Actual start date.

Actual Start


Actual finish date.

Actual Finish


Original duration calculated using the activity calendar.

Original Duration / Planned Duration


Remaining duration calculated using the activity calendar.

Remaining Duration


Actual duration calculated using the activity calendar.

Actual Duration


Free float calculated using the activity calendar.

Free Float


Total float calculated using the activity calendar.

Total Float


Justification narrative for high float.

The value for high float is calculated as 10% of the number of calendar work days between the CPP_status_date and the end of the project. The end of the project for this definition is the early finish date of the final milestone of the project, i.e. the task with the milestone level of 170 or 175.

Mapped in the template.


Justification narrative for lag on relationship to predecessor. This should be populated when the value of DS05.lag_days is greater than zero.

Mapped in the template.


Determines whether the task is on the longest path or (in P6) the driving path.

Restricted to:

  • Y
  • N

Longest Path


A semicolon-separated list of risks assigned to the task. The list of risks is only required if there is no Risk Mitigation Task (RMT) assigned to the task.

Maximum length: 50 characters.

Risk IDs assigned to the Activity.


Unique identifier for a Risk Mitigation Task. Do not provide an RMT if there are risks assigned to the task listed in the risk_ID field.

Maximum length: 50 characters.

Mapped in the template.


The percent complete type of the task.

Restricted to:

  • duration
  • physical
  • units

Percent complete type


Duration percent complete of the task, rounded to two decimal places. The value should be between zero and one.

Duration % Complete divided by 100.


Physical percent complete of the task, rounded to two decimal places. The value should be between zero and one.

Physical % Complete divided by 100.


Units percent complete of the task, rounded to two decimal places. The value should be between zero and one.

Units % Complete divided by 100.


Primary constraint type.

Restricted to the values described in Constraint Selection Descriptions.


Primary Constraint Type


Primary constraint date.

Primary Constraint Date


Justification narrative if the constraint_type is a hard constraint.

Mapped in the template.


Justification narrative if the constraint_type is a soft constraint.

Mapped in the template.


Justification narrative for secondary constraints applied to activities.

Mapped in the template.


High dollar value critical item identifier.

Maximum length: 50 characters.

Mapped in the template.


Determines whether the task is for a reprogramming effort.

Restricted to:

  • Y
  • N

This field is mandatory and defaults to N.

Mapped in the template.


Task calendar name.

For resource dependent activities where all assigned resources use the same calendar, the resource's calendar is used. For resource dependent activities with no resource assignments or where the resources assign use different calendars, the activity calendar is used. For all other activity types, the activity calendar is used.

Calendar Name


Unique subproject identifier, which can be used for SVT tasks or multi-project schedules.

Project ID

Related Topics

Milestone Level Descriptions

EVT Selection Descriptions

Constraint Selection Descriptions

Last Published Tuesday, October 10, 2023