Report Editor window

The title bar of the Report Editor window displays the name of the currently selected report.

The Report Editor window contains the following major parts:

Using the toolbar

The toolbar icons have the following functions:

Click this button to create a new report. You are prompted to verify that you want to delete the current report components.

 Click this button to add a data source.

 Click this button to add a row.

 Click this button to add a text cell.

 Click this button to add an image cell.

 Click this button to add a line cell.

 Click this button to preview the report on screen before printing.

 Select a report component, then click this button to view or edit its properties. Properties are characteristics of a report component, such as type and field for a text cell, sort and group options for a data source, and height for a row.


 Select this button to run the Report Wizard. Before the wizard opens, you are prompted to verify that you want to delete the current report components.

Using the ruler

The ruler indicates the horizontal position of each report component. A blue, shaded area indicates the position and width of the selected cell. A red, vertical bar indicates your cursor's position on the Report Canvas.

Using the left margin

The left margin helps you identify each data source and row. To help you identify data sources, the left margin displays each data source's name and grouping, if any, in the upper-left corner of the data source area. To help you identify rows, the left margin displays each row's type in the upper-left corner of the row. The symbol indicates rows that are part of a header area. The symbol indicates rows that are part of a footer area.

Using the Report Canvas

You use the Report Canvas to add report components, to specify where you want components to be positioned, and to select existing components and view or edit their properties. Properties are characteristics of a report component, such as type and field for a text cell, sort and group options for a data source, and height for a row.

The Report Canvas contains several standard areas, which appear in any new report:

Page Header Area: This area contains report components that appear at the top of each page of the compiled report. You can add rows and variable or custom text cells to the Page Header Area.

The Page Header Area is different than the standard header you specify in the Page Setup dialog box. If you specify a standard header, the standard header is displayed at the top of the page in the compiled report, followed by the report's Page Header.

Report Header Area: This area contains report components that appear before the compiled report's details and on the first page of the report only. You can add rows and cells to the Report Header Area.

Data Source Header Area: Report components that appear before the data source's records in the compiled report. You can add rows and cells to the Data Source Header Area.

Detail Area: This area contains the bulk of the project data that are being reported and is the only area of the report to which you can add a data source. The data source indicates which category of database information the report compiles, for example, activity resource assignments or cost accounts. After selecting a data source, you add rows, and then cells within the rows, to the Detail Area. The cells specify the individual data fields you want to report for the data source you have selected. For example, in the following graphic, the data source is Activities. The row between the Data Source Header and Detail areas contains four field data text cells: Activity ID, Activity Name, Start, and Finish. In this example, the report will list the activity ID, activity name, start date, and finish date for all activities in the open project.

For each data source you add to a report, a Data Source Header, Detail Area, and Data Source Footer are added to the Report Canvas. The Data Source Header and Data Source Footer are required as upper and lower borders for the Detail Area.

Data Source Footer Area: Report components that appear after the data source's details in the compiled report. You can add rows and cells to the Data Source Footer Area.

Report Footer Area: Report components that appear after the compiled report's details and on the last page of the report only. You can add rows and cells to the Report Footer Area.

Page Footer Area: Report components that appear at the bottom of each page of the compiled report. You can add rows and cells to the Page Footer Area.

The Page Footer Area is different than the standard footer you specify in the Page Setup dialog box. If you specify a standard footer, the standard footer is displayed in the compiled report at the bottom of the page, after the report's Page Footer.

The Report Canvas provides visual cues to identify some report component properties.


Report Editor tasks

Related Topics

Add a background image to a report

Add a border to a text cell

Add a custom text cell to a report

Add a data source to a report

Add a field data or field title cell to a report

Add a line cell to a report

Add a report title

Add a row to a report

Add a variable cell to a report

Add an embedded data source to a report

Add an image cell to a report

Add comments to reports

Add HTML links to a text cell

Add HTML links to an image cell

Change report margins

Change text cell color

Change the sort order of report records

Copy a data source

Copy a row

Copy and paste cells

Cut and paste a data source

Cut and paste a row

Cut and paste cells

Define a report header and footer

Define default text styles for reports

Define HTML print settings for an image cell

Define layout options for a data source

Define page setup options for a report

Delete a data source filter

Delete a data source from a report

Delete a data source that contains embedded data sources

Delete a line cell from a report

Delete a row filter

Delete a row from a report

Delete a text cell filter

Delete an image cell from a report

Disable HTML links in a text cell

Disable HTML links in image cells

Filter a data source

Filter a report row

Filter a text cell

Format text in a text cell

Indicate hierarchy levels in reports

Remove a background image from a report

Remove borders from a text cell

Show time distributions in a report

Specify a timeperiod for a report

Specify image cell width and position in a row

Specify line cell width and position in a row

Specify text cell width and alignment in a row

Last Published Thursday, March 30, 2023