Configuring and Running P6 EPPM Publication Services

If you are using P6 EPPM as a data source, Primavera Analytics relies on data from the P6 EPPM Extended Schema and related publication services. Configure the P6 EPPM publication services and run them successfully prior to running a STARETL process. The publication services are responsible for moving and transforming P6 EPPM data into the P6 EPPM Extended Schema.

There are two types of publication services within P6 EPPM that need to be run in order to ensure that the data in the P6 EPPM Extended Schema is up-to-date prior to running the STARETL process.

See the P6 Help for details on Publication Services.

To configure and run Publication Services in P6 EPPM, complete the following steps:

  1. Sign in to P6 EPPM as an administrator user.
  2. From the Administration menu, select Application Settings.
  3. In the Application Settings pane, click Services.
  4. On the Services page, in the Publication section, use the following fields to set the amount and frequency of data updates in the P6 EPPM Extended Schema. For the Primavera Data Warehouse, set the following:
    • Start Date: Enter the start date for all time-distributed data published.
    • Finish date is current date plus: Enter the rolling end date for all time-distributed data published.
    • Time distributed interval: Enter the spread data bucket types (day or week).
  5. Select the Enable Publish Projects option and adjust the remaining options in this section as needed for your data.

    The projects that qualify for publication publish to the P6 EPPM Extended Schema.

    Note: To verify the status of each project publication job in P6, select Projects, EPS, Actions, View Service Status.

  6. When publication is complete, run P6 EPPM Global Scheduled Services:
    1. From the Administration menu, select Global Scheduled Services.
    2. In the following order, set the following global services to run immediately by right-clicking the service name and selecting Run Service.
      • Publish Enterprise Data
      • Publish Resource Management
      • Publish Security
      • Publish Enterprise Summaries

        Note: After configuring and running publication services, configure Global Scheduled Services to run at regular intervals to work in conjunction with any changes to the P6 EPPM data.

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Last Published Thursday, December 14, 2023