Configuring the Application for Primavera Cloud Data Source

For a Primavera Cloud data source, set up the configuration properties for STARETL runs and OBIEE settings as follows:

  1. Sign in to the Primavera Analytics Administration Application:


  2. In the sidebar, select icon Status.
  3. In the Home menu, select a staretl<id> or a <Custom Name of a data source>.
  4. In the sidebar, select icon Config.
  5. For a Primavera Cloud data source, set the following properties and then select Save:

Configuration Property


In the Configurable Settings section, setup the following properties:

Custom Name for Datasource

Enter a name for the data source for identification purposes. For example, Primavera Cloud Production Data.

ODI Log Level

Controls the level of detail included in the ODI log files.

Select any of the following values:

  • Summary (default): Displays a summarized content in the log file.
  • Detail: Displays detailed information in the log file..

Spread Page Size

Enter the maximum number of assignments to be calculated for spread data. It controls the data volume the server handles in one request batch.

Primavera Cloud URL

Enter the Primavera Cloud URL in the format: https://<tenant_ID>/web

Enable Loading Primavera Cloud Codes

Controls the ability to load Codes.

Select any of the following values:

  • True: Loads codes.
  • False (default): Does not load codes.

Enable Loading Primavera Cloud UDFs

Controls the ability to load user defined fields (UDFs.

Select any of the following values:

  • True: Loads UDFs.
  • False (default): Does not load UDFs.

In the OBIEE Settings section, setup the following property:

Mail Prefix

Customize the text that will be displayed in the subject line of email notifications that are sent regarding the status of ETL runs.

For example, enter Analytics for status updates on ETL runs in Primavera Analytics.

OBIEE Cache Purge

Controls the clearance of OBIEE cache entries.

Select any of the following values:

  • True: Clears OBIEE cache entries.
  • False: Retains the cache entries.

Send Email Notification

Enter the e-mail IDs of the personnel to be notified regarding the status or issues with the STARETL runs. Also select the events for which you wish to be notified:

  • Failure: Email notifications sent only for failed ETL runs.
  • Success: Email notifications sent only for successful ETL runs.
  • Both: Email notifications sent for successful and failed ETL runs.

Related Topics

Configuring Primavera Cloud Codes for Each Data Source

Configuring Primavera Cloud UDFs for Each Data Source

Connecting to Primavera Cloud Data Service

Last Published Thursday, December 14, 2023