Construction Intelligence Cloud Analytics Administration Application Overview

CIC Analytics is managed using the CIC Analytics Administration application. The administration application allows you to configure and manage users, and CIC Analytics data sources for your organization.

The following applications can be used as data sources in CIC Analytics:

This document describes how to administer CIC Analytics by accomplishing the above tasks.

Click Video to watch an overview of the administration application.

Administrator Privileges

As a CIC Analytics administrator, you can:

Managing CIC Applications Suite

If your organization is also provisioned with CIC Advisor, then you can use the administration application to also manage CIC Advisor. For more details, see the CIC Advisor Administration Guide.

With access to both the CIC applications, you can create Suite administrators and analytics administrators. For more details, see Managing CIC Suite Users.

Intended Audience

Cloud administrators responsible for managing CIC Analytics should use this document.

Last Published Thursday, December 7, 2023