Set Your Goals and Business Objectives

In most companies, though their scope and duration can vary, projects tend to have similar goals: improve quality, reduce costs, increase productivity and revenue, reduce delivery time, and streamline operations. Often, the ultimate goal is to gain a competitive advantage. Controlling these projects is becoming increasingly difficult, especially if they are planned and run by project teams that are distributed across multiple locations. Organizations need to ensure that each team stays on track with its projects without losing sight of company objectives.

Company-wide project management using P6 EPPM enables project teams to plan and control their work while providing a continuous, centralized understanding of progress and performance. To begin the process of implementing P6 EPPM, you might want to broaden your project management goals to focus on the multi-user, role-based environment.

Specific objectives could include:

These goals are specific to project management. You can include additional goals that are particular to your company or industry. For example, one specific objective for a construction company might be to complete the inspection process in a more timely manner. Use best practices from your industry as a guide to setting your goals.

See Also

Implementation Strategy

About Roles and Responsibilities

Develop an Implementation Strategy

Assess Needs

Communicate the Plan

Last Published Thursday, October 12, 2023