Deactivating User Accounts

Deactivate a user account when an employee has left the organization or the user no longer requires access to P6. Deactivate the account instead of deleting the user if the user uses P6 Team Member or when you need to retain the history of actual working hours on the projects the user is assigned to.

Deactivating a user removes their access to all modules of P6 EPPM including P6 Team Member. If a user does not have module access, they cannot log into that module. Therefore, deactivating a user prevents them from logging into any P6 EPPM or P6 Team Member application, while retaining important historical data associated with that user account.

When you deactivate a user, there is no automatic way to reactiviate the user account with the same module access the account had prior to being deactivated. However, you can give the user account access to any module of P6 EPPM again at any time by selecting the user and selecting the Access option for the module on the Module Access detail window.

Note: Deleting a user account and its associated resource will cause historical data to change. It is almost always preferable to deactivate the user instead of deleting the user.

To deactivate user accounts

  1. Click Administration.
  2. On the Administration navigation bar, click User Administration.
  3. On the User Administration page, click Users.
  4. On the Users page:
    1. Select the user accounts to deactivate.
    2. Click Row Actions .
    3. Select Deactivate User.
  5. Click Save.


Related Topics

Configuring User Access

Assigning Associated Resources

Assigning Global Security Profiles

Module Access Definitions

What Does the Contributor Module Access Enable a User to Access?

Assigning Module Access

Assigning Application Access to P6 EPPM for Cloud

Assigning OBS Elements to Users

Assigning Resource Access

Defining User Interface Views

Creating User Interface Views

Assigning User Interface Views

Updating Users

Deleting User Accounts

Deleting Resources

Last Published Thursday, October 12, 2023