Changing User Passwords

Administrators can change users' passwords.

Note:You cannot change passwords if P6 EPPM is running in LDAP or SSO authentication mode.

To change a user password:

  1. Click Administration.
  2. On the Administration navigation bar, click User Administration.
  3. On the User Administration page, click Users.
  4. On the Users page:
    1. Select a user.
    2. Click Row Actions and click Change Password.
  5. In the Change Password dialog box:
    1. In the New Password field, enter a new password.
    2. In the Confirm New Password field, enter the new password again for verification and click Change.
  6. On the Users page, click Save.


Related Topics

Configuring Users in P6 EPPM

About User Access

Working with User Access

The Default Admin Superuser

Creating User Accounts for P6 EPPM

Configuring User Access

Counting Users

Resetting User Sessions

Last Published Thursday, October 12, 2023