Edit Company (Security Tab)

Complete the blocks and fields on the Security tab as described:

In this block:

In this field:

Do this

File Security Policy

Size Limit per File in MB:

Enter a size limit number.

File Security Policy

File Upload Restrictions

Use this section to configure (whitelist) the types of files that a user can and cannot upload to the system.

Allow File Extensions:

Enter the file extensions separated with commas.


  • Allow File Extensions: Selected
  • Allow: .png, .pdf, .jpg
  • Block: Blank
  • Files that the user can upload: .png, .pdf, .jpg


  • Allow File Extensions: Selected
  • Allow: Blank
  • Block: Blank
  • Files that the user can upload: No file can be uploaded as nothing specified in Allow.

Block File Extensions:

  • Block File Extensions : Selected
  • Allow: Blank
  • Block: .mov
  • Files that the user can upload: All file types except .exe and .mov


  • Block File Extensions: Selected
  • Allow: Blank
  • Block: Blank
  • Files that the user can upload: No restrictions, but the user cannot upload .exe files because the system prevents it.

File Security Policy

Virus Scan Alerts

If you do not want to display a Confirmation message to a user who tries to access or download a file that has not yet been scanned, select the Do not alert the user when a file that is pending scan for threats is being downloaded check box.

Hyperlink Picker Security Policy

URI Restrictions

Use the Allow URIs field to specify custom Uniform Resource Identifiers (URIs) that can be used by your company. Valid URIs must start with a letter, but can contain numbers and certain symbols, including "+", "-", and ".".

Note: When a company chooses to allow additional URIs, such as FTP, the system will relax the current validations that are in place for URL standards. However, validations will still be applicable to HTTP and HTTPS URIs, and all other standard requirements, such as the use of double forward slashes (//) are enforced.

Cost Sheet Restrictions Policy

Override column restrictions

View or edit a cost sheet column if any of the restricted groups, or the individual user, is allowed to view or edit the column.

By default, this option is not selected.

User Attributes Policy

Hide User Profile

Select this box to hide the basic information of the user associated with the field.

IP Filtering Policy

Allow IP Addresses for REST WebServices

Enter IP addresses to allow in the IPv4 or IPv6 fields by using separators ‘,' (comma) or ‘;' (semicolon).

You may enter IP addresses in CIDR notation to allow IPs in a particular range. The maximum number of characters allowed for the IPv4 or IPv6 fields is 1000, and duplicate IP addresses will be removed. This Allow IP list filtering can be bypassed if ‘EXTERNAL_REQUEST' header parameter is not provided in the request or ‘EXTERNAL_REQUEST' header parameter is set to false.

Partner User Proxy Login Policy

Allow Partner Users to grand Proxy login access to Owner Company Users

Select this box to allow a Partner User to add Owner Company Users as Proxy users. Administrators can also add themselves as Proxy Users of Partner Users.

Password/Login Policy

Password/Login Policy

Select the necessary options and enter values. See Manage Company Password Policy (Security tab) for details on each field.

See Also

Access Company Details (Edit Company Window)

Edit Company (General Tab)

Edit Company (Address Tab)

Edit Company (Contact Tab)

Edit Company (E-Signatures Tab)

Edit Company (Outgoing E-mails Tab)

In This Section

Manage Company Password Policy (Security tab)

Last Published Tuesday, December 12, 2023