Create a Worksheet in a Shell Template

You can create a worksheet in the project or shell template Cost Manager by copying from a template or copying from a project or shell.

To create a worksheet from a template

  1. Navigate to a shell template (Company Workspace > Admin mode > Templates > Shells > [Shell Template] > Cost Manager > Cost Sheet).
  2. Click Create > Worksheet > From Template. This option will let you create a worksheet by copying one from a company level template.
  3. Select a worksheet template and click Save.

To create a worksheet from another project or shell

  1. Navigate to a shell template (Company Workspace > Admin mode > Templates > Shells > [Shell Template] > Cost Manager > Cost Sheet).
  2. Click Create > Worksheet > From Projects. The Copy from Projects or Shells window opens. This window will list worksheets from all project or shells.
  3. Select any Cost Sheet and click the Save button to create a Cost Sheet.

Last Published Thursday, December 14, 2023