Templates Privileges

Add/Edit/Delete Activity Step Templates option

Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove Activity Step Templates, which are used to add a set of common steps to multiple activities.

Add/Edit/Delete Issue Forms option

Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove issue forms.

Add/Edit/Delete Microsoft Project and Primavera Templates option

Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove templates that are used to import/export data from/to Microsoft Project or Primavera XML formats.

Add/Edit/Delete Project Templates option

Determines whether the profile will enable users to create, modify, and remove templates that can be used when creating new projects. To create project templates, users must also have the 'Add Projects' project privilege assigned to their profile. To modify templates, you must have the same project privileges that are required to modify projects. To delete project templates, users must also have the 'Delete Projects' project privilege assigned to their profile.

Related Topics

Global Privilege Definitions

Administration Privileges

Codes Privileges

Global Data Privileges

Resources Privileges

Tools Privileges for Global Privileges

Views and Reports Privileges for Global Privileges

Last Published Monday, February 5, 2024