Defining User Access to Resources in P6 EPPM

Resource security enables you to restrict a user's access to resources. Each user can have access to all resources, no resources, or a limited number of resources in the resource hierarchy. To provide access to a limited number of resources, you can designate each user one more root resources in the resource hierarchy. The position of the assigned resources in the hierarchy determines the user's resource access. When the user logs in, the resource hierarchy displays only the assigned resource nodes and their children. Resources outside the user's root resources are not displayed.

Note: Users with restricted resource access can still view and edit all current project resource assignments if they have the proper project privileges.

You can grant one of the following three types of resource access to each user:

The following example shows how resource access is determined by the root resource assigned to different users.



item one

Shannon Zhu has restricted access with the root resource IT - Information Technology Group assigned. Shannon sees the following resources in the resource dictionary: IT, MathiasL, RiceB, LiR, AbrahamM, WrenJ, AndersonG, SharpeD, VincentI, ChopraA, BennettC, ZhuS, SinghD, CharlesM, LaffertyV, PaxsonD, and ITCon.

item  two

Vanessa Lafferty has restricted access with the root resources AndersonG - Glen Anderson, VP Development and CharlesM - Mandy Charles, VP IT Ops assigned. Vanessa sees the following resources in the resource dictionary: AndersonG, SharpeD, VincentI, ChopraA, BennettC, ZhuS, SinghD, CharlesM, LaffertyV, PaxsonD, and ITCon.

item  three

Roy Li has no resource access. Roy cannot see any resources in the Resource Administration page. Roy can see resources assigned to a project he has open in the Assignments detail window and in the Projects Assignments and Resource Assignments pages.

Lane Mathis has access to All Resources. Lane can see all of the resources in the entire resource dictionary.

See the P6 Help for more information on setting up the resource hierarchy.


Related Topics

Assigning Resource Access

Last Published Monday, February 5, 2024